Subject: Na Na Tin Hau, where is she?
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Post at 5-6-2013 22:54  Profile P.M. 
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Na Na Tin Hau, where is she?

Hi bros, I've been trying to find Na Na for a couple of times in 119-125 Electric Rd, but I can't seem to find where she is.

Her profile says Flat A 3/F but when I go there I don't see those usual pink lights and I don't want to randomly go knock on a resident's door since that's a little rude (they probably have it bad enough already, in terms of rando bros walking around all the time). In fact, the entire 3/F doesn't have any of those WG-ish "lighting" ...

I see that some of you bros have seen Na Na. Where exactly is she? Is she in the 119-125 building or is it the 115-117 building? Appreciate if someone can shed light on this. Thanks
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Post at 6-6-2013 00:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 rayban0201's post

Pal I do not believe there is anyone but WG's on the third floor of that building...
Knock away... in more ways than one pal!

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Post at 6-6-2013 00:16  Profile P.M. 
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Understand this clearly.

Tin hau skips the first floor when going in the front stair.

When going in the front, the first landing where you see pink lights is floor 2. The Thais of course are one more up which is really the third floor.  

You will see three floors if you use the rear stairs.

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