Subject: Raids in Shenzhen??
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Post at 17-4-2013 13:46  Profile P.M. 
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Raids in Shenzhen??

I was out for a leaving night last night in Shekou. We started off in a couple of civvie bars warming up.

We moved on to a few girlie bars but the place was dead!!

We went to Flower Girl bar in Shekou Bar Street which was OK, I personally hate this place as the girls are totally over demanding. We only had 2 drinks each & when I asked for my bill they actually asked if I could leave a tip! WTF!?

Anyways we moved on to Hai Bin Bar - there was ONE girl in there! She informed us the police had been all around Shekou lately. We went to Manila Bar - the same thing here, one girl working. Red Rose Bar had 2 girls there and one was asleep on a sofa.

We headed to Ritz Bar - this was OK

Any where else been raided?

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matsumoto   25-4-2013 12:56  Acceptance  +3   R raids common in Shekou? 1st I've heard of it.

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Post at 17-4-2013 14:27  Profile P.M. 
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That would be typical I have booked 2 nights in Shekou for the middle of next month, might have to can it as the only reason I was going was to see the bar girls.
Hopefully its a very temp thing.
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Post at 17-4-2013 15:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 cruman999's post

I think it was very temp. My friend said they shut two bars, one of them being hurricane bar but I was in that bar at 1am so it obviously opened up again later.

I heard they were asking the girls for their passports or ID's.

I live close to Shekou so ill keep you posted.

Recent Ratings
cruman999   17-4-2013 17:04  Acceptance  +2   Much appreciated hopefully things will be back to normal soon

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'

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