Subject: ZH intel
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Post at 22-2-2013 00:32  Profile P.M. 
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ZH intel


It is with much regret I bring you this news... I hope my intel is wrong so if you bros ahve any first hand experience, please let me know otherwise.

My favorite SN in ZH has shut down indefinitely. I still talk to the MMS and she told me a lot of places in ZH is shut down and most, if not all the SNs and KTVs are closed in the Gong Bei area. If you want to get your freak on, you gotta get further into ZH.

I don't have first hand experience as I haven't had the time to check it out myself but that's what I've heard and boy do I hope I'm wrong!!

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Post at 22-2-2013 18:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ruggers15's post

No you're not wrong. That has been my experience since before the chinese new year as well. There may be places still open to those in the local know but I think ZH is going to stay shut to the occasional visitor.
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Post at 22-2-2013 23:04  Profile P.M. 
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I moved out of Zhuhai in September and they just didn't see any point in staying open.  Sorry guys.

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