Subject: the awkward hallway waiting, how do you handle it?
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Post at 18-2-2013 20:44  Profile P.M. 
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the awkward hallway waiting, how do you handle it?

Perhaps the girl you have picked out has her waiting sign up or all the girls worth a damn are occupied--invariably this leads to some idle time while you "wait it out."

It's awkward.

Standing out front of a door feels rude and because the hallways of these places are so narrow it's also person in a halllway can block all other "shoppers". And since avoiding contact with others in these places is preferred, everyone prefers to be unseen.... but just standing around creates this weird situation.

How do you handle it? Ever make eye contact with other guys walking around? Is a simple nod or acknowledgement appropriate? Or are eyes kept to the ground at all times?

[ Last edited by  MONGERLOID at 18-2-2013 21:29 ]
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Post at 18-2-2013 21:01  Profile P.M. 
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You stand there and take it like a man. If you don't want to look like a punter, don't punt. Anyone in that hallway is there for the same reason as you, so there's no shame.stand proud, young punter. They aren't getting their dicks any less wet than you.

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drspencerreed1   19-2-2013 21:27  Acceptance  +1   Agree
DArtagnan   19-2-2013 09:38  Acceptance  +2   totally agree
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Post at 18-2-2013 23:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 MONGERLOID's post

you know ... if you start (or tried to) a conversation with your fellow punters you never know what might happen ...
sometimes the information you get just from trading info would put a smile on your face for a month !
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Post at 18-2-2013 23:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 twiceAweek's post

Very true! Sometimes good conversations and recommendations.

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Post at 19-2-2013 00:53  Profile P.M. 
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I noticed a lot of locals would stand right at the door,listening into the "action" while waiting for the other punter to finish..
they stand so close, they touch the door knob lol

There were a few times where I saw the WG open the door, and tell the guy off to not stand so close to the door, and to go wait somewhere else

[ Last edited by  lijianhua at 19-2-2013 00:55 ]
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Post at 19-2-2013 20:12  Profile P.M. 
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I never wait because I have a mental block about following another punter.  I know it's stupid because I am almost always following another punter, but actually seeing the guy leave and knowing just 5 minutes ago she had another stinky sweaty guy inside her really turns me off.

I'll go look somewhere else.

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MONGERLOID   25-2-2013 17:41  Acceptance  +1   Exactly.
butterflea   19-2-2013 23:50  Acceptance  +1   Same for me. a turn off.
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Post at 19-2-2013 22:36  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by lijianhua at 19-2-2013 00:53

There were a few times where I saw the WG open the door, and tell the guy off to not stand so close to the door, and to go wait somewhere else

I've seen that too, though I just assumed (in buildings or floors where there are civilian residents as well as WGs) that it was to disperse crowds of punters from gathering and causing (more) negativity for the neighbours.

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Post at 20-2-2013 03:53  Profile P.M. 
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Me too... I don't wanna hear the sound of others doing it. Esp the chick that I'm waiting to do. I would rather go walk around on the street level to kill some time. No way I would like to wait in those hallways. Also, you just don't want the risk of being seen accidentally by say, someone you know, or maybe a police raid. yes, its all legal and you won't be in trouble..... but who wants to be caught in that kind of trouble? Minimize your exposure time and you'll minimize the risks.
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Post at 20-2-2013 07:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 bonkers89's post

For me, I always felt the biggest risk of getting caught is the walk into and out of the building. So, once I am there, I won't exit and reenter so as to minimise exposure. If somebody sees me in there, who cares, as they are just as guilty as me.

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MONGERLOID   25-2-2013 17:43  Acceptance  +1   Yeah the worst part is entering & exiting these places.
Intenseslacker   20-2-2013 13:44  Acceptance  +1   Truth
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Post at 20-2-2013 19:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 MONGERLOID's post

I just masturbate and see how high on the hallway wall I can squirt.  I don't have any problem with guys trying to talk with me or make eye contact...  

Have fun, CGP

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CunningLinguist   21-2-2013 05:42  Acceptance  +1   LOL!

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