Subject: Make sure it's a chick!!
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 12-2-2013 14:29  Profile P.M. 
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Make sure it's a chick!!

I am seeing a surprising number of lady boys and complete transgender individuals getting past the doormen at the regular Wanchai clubs. I am sure more than one dude is getting a surprise upon arrival at the hotel. Be selective and make sure it's a real chick if that's what you are looking for. Good luck.
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Post at 12-2-2013 22:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 slimshanks's post

Hmm, that IS a surprise.  They have always been kept out as far as I recall.

Anyway..., the fact you recognized them as ladyboys kinda solves the problem anyway.  I have yet to see a single one that fooled me even for a second.  (nor do I have any interest at all, mind you).

I had a gal friend who knew two ladyboys well.  I got to meet them and we chatted for evening.  They both said they would never try to trick a guy like that --- too frickn dangerous for them!  Too unpredictable!  I suppose it happens on occassion, but I have to think it is rare.  Most are afraid of a violent (or at the very least hugely embarrasing) reaction once the guy found out.
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Post at 13-2-2013 16:07  Profile P.M. 
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yeah they're pretty easy to spot so I wouldn't worry too much. In general they hang out around the 7-11 next to J-Forest.
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 16-2-2013 10:49  Profile P.M. 
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Actually a couple of them had me completely fooled until I heard one talk. The other two were pointed out by my girlfriend. Both were with guys that had no clue that a surprise was coming.

Another friend was visiting and I pointed it out to him that those two chicks over there were dudes and his response was no fing way.

Out again the other night and saw even more that made it through the door. This will be a serious problem for someone that doesn't know what to look for and is not a regular in Wanchai.

All I can think of is the lady boy scene in Hangover. Lol!!
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Post at 16-2-2013 12:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 slimshanks's post

Spotted quite a few ladyboys in WC recently too and one was smoking hot and could have fooled many (maybe even tempted!?). One sure way to know a ladyboy is the fact they always approach customer especially in the street, they look into your eyes give you a smile and start doing that beauty pageant pose thing. Most regular girls do not do that especially the hot ones. I did see one guy in the street being chatted up by acouple of ladyboys and then saw the three if them walk away together in the distance.
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Post at 16-2-2013 13:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 slimshanks's post

Well, interesting post.  While in WC last December I went to many clubs and looked at many many females.  I was surprised to not see a single ladyboy during my trip.

On my trip lat week I must have seen ten or more at different clubs.  My second night out I was at J. Forrest and two LBs came in with a guy and quickly grabbed a table.  The real girls noticed them upon entry and they became a topic if conversation with the girls.

My next night out I went to the club across from Cinta-J, Dark something, I can't remember the name exactly.  There seemed to be a huge number of LBs in this club.  I would say it was over 40% of the "girls" in the club.

Maybe an influx for New Years celebration.  None were very passable, but it does stoke a guys attention when making an approach.

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