Subject: macau sauna overnight stay
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Post at 28-12-2012 18:08  Profile P.M. 
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macau sauna overnight stay

I know most macau sauna allows you to sleep on their lounges .. but i do recall some bro mention about a place that allow you to stay in the room as long as you use it between a certain hours...
Just need to find out which one....

also if anyone could share a good and not too expensive hotel in shenzhen to stay for around 2-4 nights(preferably with easy access to...some activities) would be highly appreciated
would it be hard to book close to cny?
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Post at 30-12-2012 20:27  Profile P.M. 
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When I want to stay cheap, but near the action in SZ (assuming you like alley action) I usually stay at Hanting Inns & Hotels.  Below is a map with the one I usually use.  It's under 200RMB most nights.  Regardless of what Google says, "X" marks the spot.  Trust me.  It's about a ten minute walk to the action.

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zhouyun   1-1-2013 17:02  Acceptance  +3   Thanks for the intel
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Post at 1-1-2013 17:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 kaleu's post

thanks bro i'll incorporate that into the itinerary
but at around CNYr.. hotels there should be pretty empty right?

[ Last edited by  zhouyun at 1-1-2013 19:04 ]
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Post at 15-1-2013 05:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 kaleu's post

gr8 thats a real help , I will be around soon
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Post at 15-1-2013 20:21  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by zhouyun at 1-1-2013 17:01
thanks bro i'll incorporate that into the itinerary
but at around CNYr.. hotels there should be pretty empty right?

Sorry for the late reply.  Most people are travelong OUT of the big cities for CNY.  One hotel I checked with in DG said CNY was the slowest time of year, but this was a five star hotel.

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