Subject: Columbian girls in Wanchai
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Post at 10-5-2012 15:58  Profile P.M. 
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Columbian girls in Wanchai

We went out to Wanchai last night and noticed a few columbian ladies (presuming)  They don't appear to be quite as forward in their flirting and I'm wondering what there service is like?  Anyone have any info to add?  They had some nice curves going on but I'm not about to wast my money on them if they aren't service oriented
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Post at 11-5-2012 00:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hockeywander's post

This really depends on the girl and you.  I've had some drop dead gorgeous colombians provide excellent service, and some so so looking ones provide lousy services.  Let us know how it goes.
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Post at 11-5-2012 00:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hockeywander's post

I've noticed a regular posse (2-4) of Columbian girlies at Harry's my last two trips this year.  You either get the slender latina look or the big booty, big titty look it seems.  Both times at Harry's it was the latter

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler
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Post at 11-5-2012 06:14  Profile P.M. 
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Have fun paying those prices.  We met a few in Harry's one night as they were being rejected by another group and it was closing time.  I had no interest in them, but my buddy was like hey lets at least see how much they want.  The next day I saw him and asked what they wanted.  They wanted 7k a piece for the night. Now I know it would take a moron to pay that, but even their usual 4k price is too high in my opinion.

My other buddy had one that he was talking to about a month ago and she started crying when that damn Adele song came on at the disco.  Shit bro RUNNNN!!
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Post at 11-5-2012 09:05  Profile P.M. 
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I've fucked at least 10 Columbian girls from Escape.  One looked like a pornstar with awesome body.  
I've noticed they all have big fatty bums.

- 100% have used KY
- 2/3 have given CBJ
- 80% can't speak English for shit
- There was this super hot babe who without a shower or cleaning grabbed my hand as soon as we entered the hour hotel room and stuck my hand inside her vagina and made me finger her hard!
- They do fuck hard but the KY makes them a little loose and takes longer to ejaculate. Especially on double session it takes even longer the 2nd time.  

But good fucking...

I usually pay $2000 for double session
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Post at 11-5-2012 10:27  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by virginboy at 11-5-2012 09:05
- 100% have used KY...

You sure there weren't any ladyboys in them Columbians??

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler
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Post at 11-5-2012 11:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 TheButler's post

Hehe.  Funny.

But, ummmmm.... I NEVER recall an Escape gal using KY with me.  Ever.  They see 1 or 2 a nite..., often zero per nite.  Using KY is a bit odd, no?
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Post at 11-5-2012 12:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 wander's post

I've had one from escape once - was very early on a Wednesday night after being to happy valley so about midnight latest.

She opened at 3k short time - reduced to 1500 with bit of negotiation.
I speak a tiny amount of Spanish.

Sex was good, although I do have itin back of my mind that it was a cbj but I know I shot over her tits ... So might be mistaken on the bj.

She was a pretty girl good figure lots curves and quite a nice girl too spoke tiny amount English and with my tiny amount of Spanish made for good chemistry.

Be honest think I struck lucky - a lot just seem über business like and quote him ST prices.

And like wander says no ky in fact never seen ky from a bar girl.
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Post at 11-5-2012 12:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 whome's post

just wanted to say i've had columbian at fenwick's too.  not bad.  name was kelly.  ancient history.
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Post at 11-5-2012 13:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 wander's post

Exactly, if they need KY with my looks and body then I am not interested.  My buddy also commented on how her limited English was an annoyance to him in the bar.  If I want S.A. girls, then I will pick them up in S.A.!!!  I am in Wanchai for a reason and that is because Slim is an Asian loving man whore.

It is funny listening to the Pinay girls discuss the whole Columbian girl issue.

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wander   12-5-2012 11:17  Acceptance  +1   Hey! I am the Asian lovin man whore!!! WanChai in mine!!!! hehe
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Post at 11-5-2012 15:44  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for all your replies... kinda confirmed what I was suspecting.  Sounds like the odds are you'll pay a premium price in Hong Kong for a Columbian and likely to get mediocre service at best if I'm reading into the comments correctly.  I'll stick to the lovely asians who know how to make a man feel like a man   The columbians were looking good at escape, however I haven't witnessed flirting or chemistry with them, unless of course you are buying them and all their friends drinks which I'm not down with
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Post at 11-5-2012 17:02  Profile P.M. 
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It's threads like this that make me wonder if the cindy crawford lookalike sat by herself one night in Wan Chai was working!

At the time I was very much a newbie and decided she was probably out there on business and getting a drink before turning in for the night so just smiled back wishing I looked like Richard Gere.

In hindsight and if she was working one big missed opportunity!
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Post at 12-5-2012 11:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 investor's post

If she was sitting in a WanChai bar by herself she was working!  Yeah, a travelling civvie business-woman could wander in by mistake, but it's rare and they wouldnt stay long after seeing the scene.

Me..., I wander everywhere by mistake.  Then stay.

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