Subject: Is there a similiar site like this for Korea?
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Post at 27-4-2012 04:55  Profile P.M. 
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Is there a similiar site like this for Korea?

Is there a site similar to 141 for Korea?
Nookie Newbie
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Post at 27-4-2012 09:51  Profile P.M. 
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Yeah there is, but there's no english version for it so maybe you can put it through google translate and it might help.
Also, hardcore porn and prostitution is illegal in Korea so this site often changes it's domain so follow their twitter for the upates.



I can read korean so the punting part is in the "cafe" part. It's a lot more complicated than the format of this site.
hope this helps
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Post at 27-4-2012 14:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 paetar1234's post

I have heard that although prostitution is illegal, it's openly practiced and sex workers actually organize demonstrations for more rights.
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Post at 7-5-2012 05:30  Profile P.M. 
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I'm guessing even if you could read the info on those sites.. Actually booking and seeing the ladies there will be practically impossible unless you speak pretty fluent korean...

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