Originally posted by Folder8 at 17-4-2012 07:15 AM
If your wife is checking your passport to see if you are actually traveling for business you have bigger problems (read: TRUST) than just hiding a country stamp. I cannot fathom why in the world your ...
Well put. This is a trust issue. My SO never checks anything of mine. If she didn't trust me, there would be no relationship. Period.
Going through laptops, computers, emails, passports, and god knows what the fuck else is just a brutal way to live through a relationship. She won't do it, I won't tolerate it.
Then again, I can understand how some guys have to put up with this. If that's the case, it's just best to come straight out and tell her some excuse and reassure she is the only one and you would never want to lay your eyes or hands on another woman. Be confident and lie well. It truly helps.