Subject: Girls/Mistresses Fulfilling Fetishes?
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Post at 4-4-2012 17:09  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by AsnDragon at 4-4-2012 04:47

Actually there's always a safety protocol to the whole S&M game. What happened was back in 2008, there was a killer who killed a lot of WGs at walk up 141. He was really a serial killers only killing WGs. One of his victim was a lady who offered S&M and she was choked to death by the killer. That Killer has since been caught 4 years ago and is in prison. As a result, most S&M places in HK that you visit, they do not completely get tied up, they may use handcuffs and other restraints, but one of the hands is loose, etc. It's a safety protocol for them ever since that incident 4 years ago. It's just to fulfill the feel of a fantasy, nothing real hardcore happens.  

I imagine that being the real danger (not keeping a handcuff loose etc. - the prospect of a lunatic), Doesn't make it any less frightening that there are people out there who would do that. Personally the opposite way round is probably why I've never tried S&M outside of civvie relationships as the thought of handing over that much of my safety to a relative stranger worries me. Stories such as the one you tell remind me of how vulnerable the girls really are.

I think what you've pointed out though is why I like asian WG's. They seem to engage in the fantasy and have a very playful/fun attitudes.

Thanks for the info
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Post at 5-4-2012 05:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 investor's post

Yeah Asian WG's are usually more playful than the S&M play you would get in western countries that are borderline crazy when it comes to S&M play. In HK it's more of a fantasy-playfullness type of play as opposed to the real hardcore S&M in western countries that involve lots of pain, scarring and just some crazy stuff!
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Post at 23-5-2012 21:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 AsnDragon's post

AsnDragon, after enjoying a couple of your recent posts, I searched under your forum name and noticed this one re: fetishes. Although it's unclear to me what type of stuff you like based on the post, I would like to recommend you consider Japan as nothing else compares to it for fetishes in my experience. In particular, you might check LaSiora ( I've seen Mao there a few times. She's truly off-the-charts in terms of ability and sophistication and also flexible re: type of session. LaSiora's stable of mistresses don't provide FS/BJ so it's not comparable to the HK girls you reference or, for that matter, PRC joints that offer festish/costume themes. Rather, LaSiora and similar places in Japan are serious about the fetish art and are highly versed in it. You noted how this hobby requires increasing levels of stimulation and new experience (just like any other addiction). Mao can provide that in spades, unleashing 10x the endorphins during as session as one would experience going all-out in CP or Macau. If I'm reading correctly the tea leaves of your posts, I think you might go back and forth to the US West Coast and East Asia. If so, perhaps you could stop over in Tokyo en route to HK next time. It's absolutely worth it.
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Post at 24-5-2012 03:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 matsumoto's post

Wow Matsumoto! I never knew about this place in Japan.

I really do wish they could finish you off with at least a HJ in the end.

You see this is the situation. I'm afraid of getting deeper into fetishes and or different types of stimulation. As with all addictions, I know there's a line not to cross and once I cross it's it's really hard to come back anymore. I know once I start coming over to Japan for this, all other types of regular mongering activities will become too bland. If I indulge in the excess with will take the excess to bring me to that level of excitement.

But just looking at the website it's really tempting me! Especially when all the females there are so beautiful as well. Tempted...really tempted. How was Mao? from her pictures below she seems really pretty! wow! just the leather outfit is hot!

uh oh...i must resist temptation.

[ Last edited by  AsnDragon at 24-5-2012 03:04 ]

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SEAJ   11-6-2012 11:42  Karma  +1   Great advise>Addiction must be controlled less 1 gets deeper+deeper in!
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Post at 15-1-2013 14:39  Profile P.M. 
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Trying one this monday

Hi, I will be trying one specialist of fantasies this monday. I found her on another website. I will make a report about it after, she seems open to about anything.


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gaoxing   16-1-2013 00:13  Acceptance  +1   Don't care about what you will do; only what you have done

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