Carnal Conqueror
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UID 61173
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Post at 18-2-2012 16:16  Profile P.M. 
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The Saturday Game.

Working out in his garage workshop Mr. Johnson is cleaning his golf clubs for another Saturday of golf. Sitting quietly on a plastic
3 step stool dipping one club after another into hot soapy water and then carefully drying them. Checking each grip for wear spots
and other signs of wear, looking at the leading edges on each club and making sure the shafts on each are secure and tight.
Humming a little tune to himself and feeling life is OK not perfect but OK.

Hi MrJ, says a voice that brings Mr. Johnson back to the real world.

O’h Hi Betsy what are you doing here this fine Saturday morning?

I need some help with my golf clubs remember you said if I needed some help I could ask you?

Yes Betsy I remember I just haven’t seen you over here since my Jenny died.

Well you were at my birthday party last week.

Ya but that’s different, it was at your house. I don’t get many female visitors. By the way why was I at your birthday party?
You know I’m older then you don’t you, he said with a wry smile?

With her own smile and a cute laugh Betsy says, sure but my folks said I had to have an adult at my party and when they asked
which one of them I wanted to stick around I said I wanted MrJ to come to my party. They made a small fuss to make me think
they cared but then they said if you would come they would be OK with it.

Betsy why me?

Well you remind me of Jenny and I miss her too. Jenny and I were good friends in fact I almost love her more than my own mom.

Betsy don’t say stuff like that, she’s your mom and you need to love and respect her. Jenny was your friend but the only reason
you feel like you liked or loved her more is because she was not your mom and she would talk to you like one of her adult girlfriends.
Jenny did that with all the teenage girls in the neighborhood. We didn’t have any kids of our own so she just adopted all of the
girls she met in our little part of paradise.

MrJ why didn’t you and Jenny have any kids?

Wow Betsy that is very personal don’t ya think?

Sorry MrJ I just have always wondered why, because you and Jenny always treated me and other kids I know with a lot of love
and we aren’t even your kids. Heck I even learn the facts of life from Jenny.

Hey that’s’ a subject that may not be appropriate between you and I, I am after all an adult man and you are a teenage girl.

Yes MrJ but just in case you already forgot you came to my 18th birthday party, so I am an adult also and I can ask adult
questions if I want.

OK I accept that in the eyes of the laws of this great state you are an adult. BUT in my eyes you are still that cute little girl from
down the street a little who comes over to visit with Jenny and talk the girl talk.

MrJ that’s not fair I have sat out here in this very garage talking to you about golf and how you love golf and you even got me
so interested in golf that I started playing golf and even made it onto the boys golf team in high school. I would have never
done that if I didn’t know you pretty good so please be my friend because I miss Jenny now and I don’t have room in my heart
to lose another friend and you MrJ are my friend.

OK, OK I give in I just worry about people talking if they see you sitting here with me in my garage and they know you are not
my kid. I agree we are friends and I like it when you come over and we talk while I work on clubs or some other little project I
have going.

Betsy why did you start calling me MrJ?

Betsy with a red embarrassed face tried to stay calm and just said, well Jenny said it was her pet name for you.

Jay (his real 1st name) looks both surprised and embarrassed and says, my Jenny told you her pet name for me?

Yep and she was very proud to tell me.

Tell me Betsy in what crazy conversation did you have with my wife where she told you something so private and personal
like her name for me?

You’re not going to get mad at me are you MrJ?

Maybe but just answer the question anyway.

Well Jenny and I were in her little massage studio office you built for her business and we were talking girl talk, you sure you
won’t yell at me MrJ I’m worried I don’t want to piss you off I’ll just stop calling you MrJ if it bothers you.

No Betsy you need to tell me the story. Hearing your story will show me a side of my wife that I didn’t know existed. So tell me
all about that conversation and that day if you remember any details, any story I hear about my Jenny will make me happy because
I miss her and still love her with all of my heart and soul.

Well last year around spring break I had a new boyfriend, you remember I brought him by to meet you and you showed him how
to replace the grips on golf clubs. His name was Brad and he and I met because we are both on the golf team. Anyway I was
talking to Jenny about Brad and how I was frustrated by boys in general and their horny ways.

O’h stop right there girl, where is this conversation going?

I’m just telling you what Jenny and I were talking about when your pet name came up. I’ll try to be as short as I can but there
are some things about this story you need to know otherwise you’ll miss out on why she told me your pet name.

OK continue.

Well anyway after Brad and I went out to the movies and played kissy face a few times he wanted to have sex with me.

O’h crap Betsy are you sure you want to tell me this story?

Yes I do, I have to or you will have the wrong idea about your Jenny.

OK I’ll brace myself.

Anyway I was asking Jenny for advice on sex because if I talked to my mom she starts giving me the 20 questions about why
am I asking and who is causing me to ask and is Brad forcing himself on you. But Jenny treated me better more like an adult
child of her own.

Believe me Betsy if you were our daughter Jenny would have given you the 3rd degree just like your mom. It is all perspective
and relationships if you were our daughter we would be harder on you because like other parents we would worry.

MrJ I don’t believe that. You and Jenny are more cool then you know. Anyway I told Jenny about Brad wanting to have sex and
she asked me what I wanted. I was so confused I told her, the idea of sex and the ramifications you know, getting pregnant be
known as a whore or sexually active, the whole mess. Everything came down on me, Brad all he was thinking about was getting
in my pants so to speak.

So I have a general idea where all this started at now,  just finish your story and try not to embarrass me too much as because
I thought that my Jenny was very private and our private life was just as private.

O’h MrJ she loved you so much so always told me how you took care of her and allowed her to make her own choices of what
she wanted to do for work and just everything. That’s why I want to give you the details of how she helped me and why she was
so important in my life and so many other girls in the neighborhood. So Brad was pressuring me to have sex with him and I was
undecided what I wanted to do and Jenny said to me ‘What about alternatives to sex?’  I said I’m not sure what you mean?
Jenny said and I remember her exact words. ‘Intercourse is just one aspect of sex, there are other ways to please or take care
of your partner’

O’h great Betsy I can see where this is going.

Anyway Jenny and I had a long conversation about oral sex, blow jobs, cunnlingus, anal sex, hand jobs, anything I didn’t know
about I learned the basics about that day.

Betsy do you see how embarrassed I am right now and how I feel like we are going down an unhealthy path for us as friends?

I know MrJ I just need to tell you this so I can be your friend and do what I need to do to keep my promise to Jenny.

What promise?

MrJ please let me finish and you will know everything I know and then we can try to figure out what it all means.

Anyway Jenny told me everything my mom would never tell me, detailed information on everything sexual. She would answer
any question I asked. She showed me pictures on the internet of anything sexual. MrJ your wife my friend Jenny helped me when
no one else could, not my mom or any of the girls I go to school with no one.  And I’ll tell you something else, she loved you
more than anyone I know loves their husband or wife, she adored you.

OK enough I spend all day every day thinking about her as it is, please cut to the chase so I can try to block it all out and I can
get ready for my golf this afternoon.

Well back to Brad, I decided I didn’t want to have sex with Brad so Jenny asked me if I had any aversion to sucking on Brad’s cock.  
I told her I didn’t know because I had never done anything like that before, here I am 17 going on 18 and my boy friend is asking
me for sex and I need information, Jenny was there for me. So long story short I told Brad I would not have sex with him but I
would give him a blow job if he insisted on some show by me that I liked him and wanted our relationship to get closer. But I also
told him I was not going to give him a blow job until I was 18 year old. So what you don’t know is that after my birthday party
Brad and I went for a ride in his car and I gave him a blow job.

Great, so did that turn out like you thought?

No not really I thought maybe Brad would return the favor and lick my pussy a little.

Damn Betsy is nothing private anymore?

Well Jenny said that if I was willing to give Brad a blow job and suck his cock and swallow all his cum then he should be willing to
give me a little oral pleasure as well. I did my job, although Brad didn’t take long to cum and when I sucked the last drop of cum
out of him he just wanted to go do something else. I asked him if he would reciprocate and lick my pussy and you know what
that ass-hole said?

Of course not, go ahead I know you want to tell me.

He said I could just play with myself and take care of myself. That ass-hole, here I just gave him the best blow job in his entire life,
maybe his only one  and he tells me to go home and masturbate. Well Jenny was right there is a difference between men and boys,
a real man will take care of his woman whatever it takes and boys just want to play games.

Betsy can we please get to the end of this story because I don’t think, no I know I have never had a conversation like this before.

Well I never got to tell Jenny what happened with Brad because of the accident but I know she gave me good advice about
only giving Brad a blow job. Now here is where the story gets a little strange, Jenny gave me this advice around June just a few
months ago, she also told me to keep asking any questions I had because she didn’t know how long she would be around.

What did that mean?

Well she didn’t tell me much but she did say she felt like she was different in some way.

She didn’t say anything to me, why would she tell you something like that?

I don’t know except one day in July while we were girl talking she told me that if anything happened to her she wanted to
me introduce you to all the eligible unmarried women I knew.

Betsy this is getting even weirder then before, talking about sex and now your sex life is one thing but now talking about my
Jenny and her premonitions about dying come on Betsy doesn’t this seem a little too freaky weird even to you?

Yes it does but I made her a promise and I intend to keep my promise. Jenny took her time to help me and I will repay her love
by doing what I promised to do.

OK girl you keep your promise just tell all the ladies to wait by the 18th hole at the golf courses and they might get lucky
and catch me on the way to my car.

So you want to hear the rest of the story?

Sure you bet I don’t think I can get any more embarrassed or is it humiliated, I just can’t believe you and my Jenny talked this way.
Jenny and I talked but we were husband and wife I have been married to that girl for over 30 years.

See MrJ even now you call her your girl, that’s what she was talking about. You took care of her in every sense of the word.
She told me stuff about you that embarrassed me all the time but she was so in love with you that to her it was bragging, she
knew she was bragging about you all the time to me but it was our little secret. I asked her if she had these same kind of
conversations with her other girlfriends, she said for the most part no as her gal friends were her age or maybe even a little
older and their husbands had grown distant and had lost interest in sex.

Betsy, promise me one thing please?

I’ll try but I’m not sure, what?

After today can we never talk about sex or anything related to sex?

No I can’t promise you that because now that Jenny is gone you are the only adult I trust and I only trust you this far because
Jenny said I could.

Betsy I am so exhausted just having this conversation that I don’t know what to do. I want to hear the rest of the story but I
what I didn’t have time to tell you was: I have a money game this afternoon. 3 younger guys I played 9 holes with 2 weeks ago
called me to see if I wanted in on a game. They told me I could just play while they have money on the game but I told them if
I could get a few strokes I might be willing to bet a few bucks. Well as you know because I have told you other golf stories I love
to bet with young guys because if and when I beat them I love the look on their faces and the feel of their money in my hand.

Well how much time do I have to finish my story?

My game isn’t until 1:20 this afternoon but the problem is now I am so wound up and thinking 500 miles per hour that if
I don’t settle down I will play crappy and lose my few bucks.

How much is the bet?

I’m getting 4 to 1 odds and I am betting each one $50 so if I lose I lose $150 total but if I win I’ll get $200 from each and they
each volunteered to give me 2 strokes per side.

MrJ you should feel guilty I know you shoot in the mid 70’s all the time.

Hey Betsy this is golf, for all I know they are setting me up. I’ll take whatever they give me and I won’t feel guilty they called
me I didn’t call them so they must have something up their collective sleeves. Anyway I need time to settle down maybe sit in
that hot tub outback. I just need time to take it all in. I’m not brushing you off I want to hear the rest.

OK, it’s 9:45 am right now I’ll make you a deal you can’t turn down.

Don’t bet on it I can turn down and walk away from just about anything.

We’ll see. Let’s go back to Jenny’s massage room and office and I’ll give you the best deep tissue massage you ever had except
for the one’s Jenny gave you.

Betsy I don’t know, it sounds good but it also sounds like an opportunity for all sorts of problems and trouble. Please just because
you are a strong young woman doesn’t mean you know anything about giving a real therapeutic massage much less a deep tissue

There you go again, because I didn’t get to tell you everything you don’t know that I have been learning therapeutic  massage
from Jenny, she and I have been doing most of her ‘older gals’ together and she has been giving me massage instruction since I
was a bit older than 16. That’s part of the story. That and more, please MrJ I promised Jenny I would see to it that you had female
companionship and I haven’t done anything since she died.

Well don’t feel bad, I don’t give a rates ass about seeing any other women at this point.

That’s what Jenny said you would be like, that’s why she asked me and a couple other gals to see that you have female friends
and have the opportunities she wanted you to have.

OK just stop talking for a minute and let me think, I need to work out what I need to do between now and the tee time. OK
I’m done here with my clubs so I need to put the clubs in my bag and check to see if I have clean socks and plenty of balls and
tees. I have to re-check my bag to make sure I have everything I might need while I play.

Gee MrJ all I do is grab my clubs and get on the bus with the team. Why so much preparation?

Well when you get a little older you’ll understand. I always take extra stuff in case I wet or cold or my socks get wet or damp or
sometimes my underwear gets sweaty so I take baby powder and extra underwear. Betsy I take everything I might need now let
me finish here and we will continue our talk.

OK I’m done. I’m in a pickle here. On the one hand I do want to hear the rest of the story and I do need and want a deep tissue
massage I’m just uneasy with you being the one giving me the massage. Betsy you need to know that yes I do love you even if
you are not my child, but you also need to know I am still am man and just like I’m sure Jenny told you men have issues with using
their head and brains to make the right decisions regarding all things ‘Women’

Well it’s your decision MrJ.

OK I’ll try one deep tissue massage from the new girl. But please is there any way we can possibly keep this between you and I?

No problem with me. Can you keep yourself from telling my parents that I gave Brad a blow job?

Yea there is that isn’t there. I keep my trap shut and you do the same.  I’m going in the house to take a shower and I’ll meet you
in Jenny’s studio in 10 minutes. I’ll get my running shorts and be ready in a jiffy.

10 minutes later in Jenny’s little studio backside of Jay’s garage.

So what exactly did Jenny think she was doing by training you in the art of massage?

Well I had asked her why she liked it and I liked her answer.

What was her answer?

She said knowing how to do a proper deep tissue massage helped her keep a better relationship with you.

With me?

Yes, Jenny said she knew pretty early on that you had a high sex drive and when you got into your 4o’s your body started to have
more aches and pains so she decided on her own to learn all she could about massage just to please you.

Almost laughing, Jay says, my Jenny she knows me better then I know myself.

MrJ lay down on Jenny’s table so I can get you started. I’ll rub the pain away and we can keep talking.

So Jenny only went to massage school to keep me from straying.

No she never said anything of the sort. She told me she did it because she loves you and wanted to please you in more ways.
Hold still for a minute I’m going to put some almond oil on your back and it might not be at body temperature so it will seem cold.
She went to massage school because she told me she was sure you went to some school to learn about pleasing her, she told
me many stories of the time you spent pleasing her.

What? She told you details about our sex life?

Yep, and she was bragging the whole time. She smiled a lot too. She told me that any woman who doesn't learn every trick in
the book to please her man is a fool.  Now hold still I’m going to climb up and walk on your back.

Hold on a minute did Jenny teach you about back walking and how to do it correctly? How much do you weigh?

Don’t worry I weight maybe 5 pounds more than Jenny I’m just a little shorter that’s all. She was 5’4” right?


Well I’m 5’2” and I weigh 109. So I won’t hurt you one bit. So hold still because I have only done this in practice before on Jenny.

You walked on Jenny’s back?

Yes and she said I did a wonderful job.

OK do it.

There now is that too terrible?

cont ....
Carnal Conqueror
Rank: 3Rank: 3

UID 61173
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Registered 24-2-2011
Location The New World
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Post at 18-2-2012 16:37  Profile P.M. 
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cont ...

No, it’s all good. Please be careful because it you slip or fall and hurt me or yourself I’ll have a hard time explaining it to your
parents and everyone else.

I will be careful Jenny taught me everything she said I should know. Anyway let me talk so I can finish the story. So when Jenny
was having her thoughts about dying we talked about living too. She talked about you and I talked about my family and school
and just about everything. That’s how I became so close with her. You we doing your man things here and at your job and Jenny
and I were being girls.

Does that feel good when I step there?

Yes it all feels good watch me close because I might fall asleep and fall off this table.

Jenny told me that you fell asleep all the time while she was giving you a deep tissue massage.

True story but I only fell asleep when she was doing the massage because I trusted her more than any other woman I have
ever met.

How is that pressure?

Good, but I can take deeper harder pressure. I can tell that Jenny did train you because you walk on my back just like she did.
Plus you know her little trick of using just a little bit of almond oil to slide your feet around on my back. Before I fall asleep Betsy
thank you for this massage I feel better already.

I’m nowhere near done yet, Jenny taught me everything.

In the next 35 minutes Betsy did indeed show Jay that Jenny had taught her everything she would need to know to pass the
state examine to get her therapeutic massage license. Back walking for 20 minutes and then hands on deep tissue rubbing of
Jay’s legs shoulders arms hands and feet.

Jay groggily asks; are we done now?

No I still need to do your front side so turn over.

I can’t turn over.

Why not did I hurt you?

No I just can’t turn over.

MrJ quit joking around I am going to keep my promise and give you the best deep tissue massage ever.

I believe you Betsy but I don’t think I can turn over.

Why won’t you turn over?

Well it’s a man issue you did nothing wrong I just have a man issue I haven’t have since Jenny died.

OK I get it MrJ no big deal I’m guessing you got a boner?

Ah OK not the way I wanted to hear it but yep I did in fact get a little too much blood supply down to my little guy.

It’s not going to be an issue for me MrJ like I told you Jenny and I talked about all things dealing with sex and I know all about
how you always 100% of the time got a boner whenever she gave you a massage.

Jenny if you can hear me ‘Thanks’ I’m going to spank your sweet little tight ass when I get together with you in heaven.
But until then you keep thinking about the fun we had before you so rudely left me here.

MrJ Jenny didn’t leave you on purpose.

I know she didn’t Betsy. Hand me that towel over there so I can cover up my shame.

No shame MrJ you are just the man Jenny said you were and I feel no embarrassment if I see your little guy with too much
blood running through him so just try and relax.

Ya I’m so relaxed I might not be able to walk.

You want to use the bathroom? Maybe you need to take a pee?

Betsy can you please think before you talk? Every time you say something like that I hear Jenny’s voice. She always had me go
to the bathroom and take a ‘pee’ as you so elegantly described. And yes I will go to the bathroom, hand me that towel I wanted.

Jay wraps the towel around his waist and walks gingerly to the bathroom to get rid of the large diet coke he drank along with the
lemon filled donut that made up his breakfast meal.

As Jay comes out of the bathroom he asks Betsy, so does this mean you’re not going to go to college?

Oh no I’m going to college I just did the whole massage lesson thing because I love your wife so much and the time I spend with
her taught me things that will help me in my future relationships. Plus I do like doing massage, it somehow satisfy’s my need to
connect with other people. Jenny told me that massage no matter whether it was deep tissue or light touch or more gave her a
sense of well being and everyone of her customers returned love to her in one way or another. Don’t worry I see that look on
your face she never had another lover except for you. Now get back up on the table so I can finish up and you can get going
on your golf.

Give me another towel I need more coverage.

No you don’t I need to be able to rub out your legs, don’t worry I’ll close my eyes.

Now you’re lying to me you can’t do a massage with your eyes closed.

I bet I can but I won’t be held responsible if I touch something that I’m sure will embarrass you. Now get up there and be quite.

Is this quite enough for you?

Yep, but well your little guy is still at attention.

Betsy knock it off I’m trying to be a gentleman here and even though you are very young I am still a man and have the same
issues every other man has when a good looking girl is rubbing her hands on his body.

Oh so you think I am good looking?

Again knock it off, you know you are good looking and cute as hell and let’s see how can I say this, ‘Put together’

I do have nice boobs don’t I.

Yes Betsy nice boobs nice cute tight little ass a cute face cute lips nice white teeth beautiful red hair and blue eyes. Everything
about you is just about perfect. So now that I’ve said it I wonder why dumb ass Brad didn’t see what every red blooded man
worldwide would see when they look at you.

Me too I wondered for a long time what Brad’s problem was but I’m pretty sure he had issues in his head where he believed
the grass is always greener somewhere else.

Well his loss will be someone else’s gain. The boys at college will be all over you. That’s where you will have to keep your guard up
because some guys gentleman or not will always be looking at you to satisfy his need to spread his seed around.

Oh MrJ you make me blush, just kidding Jenny told me that about a zillion times. But she also told me that I make the selection,
no guy will tell me I belong to him. Jenny told me so many useful things I bet I could tell you stories for 40 hours straight and
not finish.

Let’s keep on time here I admit it I need you to finish this massage as I feel better already and I want to kick some young guns
asses on the course today. So if I don’t talk can you hurt me just a little more?

Just a little but it won’t hurt much. I’ll do your upper then lower legs you ready for some deep tissue?


For the next 15 minutes Betsy did a great job on Jay’s legs and calves. Finally finished with Jay’s lower body she moves up to his
chest and stomach area.

MrJ your little buddy is still hanging on to all the blood he can handle.

Never mind my little buddy he will be fine.

He isn’t really a ‘little’ buddy. He is way bigger then Brad’s little buddy in fact Brad’s little buddy was really little, no more than 5 inches when totally erect. You are way bigger than that.

Betsy you’re making me more uncomfortable the more you talk. If you don’t change the subject I will lose control of my little
buddy and the other head will take over brain control.

MrJ that’s fine with me. I know I didn’t tell you before but Jenny told me why she named you MrJ.

What the fuck? Sorry about the bad word but what did my sweet Jenny tell you?

Well it’s very apparent from just looking at your little buddy that her name form you is just what she said, she named you MrJ
because your cock has a big bend in it right near the head of your dick. Here let show you what I know to be true.
Jenny reaches over  and pulls the last remaining towel covering Jay’s cock off and grabs his erect member with her warm hand
and then wraps her other hand around it also.

Jenny says Jay as he moans, no sorry Betsy I want to tell you to stop but I haven’t felt these feelings since I lost the love of my
life, Jenny.  She always knew how to make me feel relaxed and ready to have a fun day of golf.

I know MrJ, Jenny told me all her fun tricks with you to make you play your best and relax and make your day start off great.
Does that feel good?

Betsy starts slowly moving her hands up and down on Jay’s rock hard cock.

Oh Betsy please I’m 60 fucking years old. This is wrong on so many levels. I know your parents and your friends. Please stop I can’t
control my lust anymore you need to take control and leave.

Nope MrJ it isn’t going to happen. I love Jenny and I love you. She might not ask me to do this for you but she would want me
to find someone who could take care of your man needs so you don’t suffer or have all the aches and pains from just getting older.
I want you to just lay there and enjoy the skills Jenny taught me.  Betsy starts moving her hands up and down with a quicker
motion, Jay moans again. Betsy starts rubbing her left hand on Jay’s chest while keeping up a smooth motion with her right hand
on Jay’s cock.

Betsy tells Jay to just relax because she is going to slow down the hand job so the massage lasts a little longer.

Betsy this is not a massage anymore, it’s a hand job with a massage.

Be quite I’m not done with you yet. I want Jenny to be proud of what she taught me. Betsy cups Jays balls in her left hand while
slowly jacking his cock up and down, she then bends over and takes the very tips of Jay’s ‘J’ shaped cock into her warm wet mouth.
Jay’s body convulses with pleasure and grabs Betsy head in both of his hands. Betsy gags a little but keeps sucking on Jay’s cock.
Betsy moves her body so she is now facing looking up at Jay’s face all while keeping her sweet wet mouth sucking and moving up
and down.

Jay’s legs start to quiver and shake, Jay says Betsy honey stop sucking on my cock I’m going to cum.

Betsy redoubles her up and down movements on Jay’s cock and sucks even harder until she gets the result she has been working
for all morning. Jay’s cock erupts into Betsy mouth all while she keeps sucking and moving on Jay’s pulsating and pumping sex organ.
Betsy sweetly looks at Jay and when she thinks he is on the verge of pain she abruptly stops sucking but keeps moving her hand
slowly up and down on Jay’s semi limp penis. Then Betsy smiles directly at Jay and swallows Jay’s load of cum.

Jay just barely able to talk says, Betsy why did you do that?

What MrJ Give you a blow job hand job or swallow your cum?


I’m the girl Jenny told me it is my choice to have fun with a guy or not.

I know all about that. Jenny is right but damn Betsy I said I was 60 fucking years old. Now how can I look you in the eye when
I feel like I took advantage of your youth?

I call BS MrJ, from the minute I came over this morning I wanted to help you feel better. If sucking your cock and doing a
massage for you is what makes you feel better then that’s what I’m going to do. Now will you do something for me?

Sure let me up and I’ll do whatever you need.

Well then don’t go anywhere because I want you to lick my pussy.

Betsy are you sure?

Very sure, Jenny told me you can eat pussy better than any porn actor she has ever seen on the internet and I’m tired of
playing with myself as Brad told me to do, so I choose you MrJ. Tell me what to do and I will.

OK but this will spoil you for any guy who doesn’t love pussy like I do. Lay down right here and spread your legs so I can give
you something Brad should have giving you.

MrJ slowly kisses Betsy’s clean pink pussy lips; her red pussy hairs are wispy and sweet just like the smell of her pretty little pussy.
Jay spreads her pussy lips and gently licks her clit just once; Betsy moans and moves her hips in a gentle fucking motion. Jay starts
licking and moving his tongue in a circular motion flicking her sweet clit with more and more and with firmer pressure. Betsy
mumbles something and when Jay moves his mouth away from her pussy to ask what? Betsy grabs Jays head and places his mouth
right back on her pussy. Jay sucks her clit right into his mouth and Betsy’s hips rise up to push her pussy mound firmly into his face.
Flicking her clit back and forth between his lips Betsy’s breathing is increasing in pace. MrJ gently pushes his right index finger into
Betsy dripping wet pussy and she moans even louder, finding her g-spot and increasing his tongue tempo and speed and rubbing
her g-spot it takes less than 10 minutes before Betsy arches her back and grabs Jay’s ears and tries to push his head all the way
into her sweet young pussy, clenching her legs together in her 1st real hard intense orgasm.

Betsy starts to cry and Jay says, Betsy are you OK honey?

Yes I am, I never knew what Jenny was talking about because I have made myself cum before but what you just did is way
better then self service.

Jay laughs and says I warned ya. Now all you’ll want is some guy licking your pussy every night.

Well maybe not every night but sometimes during the month I’ll sure be thinking about hooking up with some guy who has
a talented tongue.

Betsy here let me help you up, Jay reaches for her hand to help her sit up.

Betsy looks at Jay and says it looks like your little buddy woke up again.

Ya he has a mind of his own but don’t worry he get over himself.

That’s not what Jenny told me, she told me she always could get 2 loads of cum out of you every time she gave you a massage
before you go golfing.

True but you are not Jenny you are a horny 18 year old young woman who I feel guilty about already.

Well as I am a woman I claim my right to do what I want, I just had the best orgasm I have ever had and now I want more.

What more?

I want you to fuck me with that beautiful ‘J’ shaped cock of yours.

Betsy, you are too inexperienced my cock is too big for your sweet little pussy.

Nope not true Jenny took me to a place where I got my very own dildo. So I am not exactly a virgin and not exactly a whore.
But I know what I want and I want you MrJ to be my 1st official lover. Now right now quit thinking so much and give your little
buddy what he wants, look at him he is foaming at the mouth with excitement. He want my pussy so let’s get this going you
need to get out of here and go golfing.

OK lay back down on that massage table and I’ll get some of that almond oil as lube. Betsy grabs MrJ and kisses him deeply all while
Jay is trying to put a condom on, Betsy says No I don’t want you to use a condom I want your cock in me right now no condom.

But Betsy safe sex is smart sex.

I know but sex with you is different I want what Jenny had I know you’ll never love me like you loved Jenny but I can at least
get your cock just like she did. Plus I know you are the one who is sterile, Jenny told me with tears in her eyes.

OK let me put a little oil on your little sister.

I love that name, little sister that is a sweet name my pussy.

OK you ready?


Stop me if it hurts too much I don’t want to hurt you and make your 1st experience and bad one. Jay gently places the tipoff his
cock inside Betsy’s pink pussy lips. Pushing slowly Betsy takes and breath and Jay asks still OK?

Yep keep going.

Jay keeps sliding his cock into her tight pussy and Betsy reaches up and cups Jays face in her hands. Pulling Jays face to hers Betsy
deeply kisses Jay and slides her sweet tasting tongue into Jay’s open and surprised mouth.  The curve in Jay’s cock makes the tip
of his cock rub firmly on Betsy’s g-spot with each long stroke. Betsy keeps up the deep French kissing and wraps her shapely but
muscular legs around Jay’s ass and Jay takes it as a sign to increase his tempo, deeper and fast Jays plunges his 8” cock into Betsy’s
tight and getting tighter pussy. She starts moving her ass with each of Jay’s strokes and soon she is breathing faster and faster and
finally says please Jay please fuck me harder and faster I want to know what getting fucked hard means and feels like. Jay increases
his tempo and he can feel Betsy’s pussy starting to convulse and grab his cock in an orgasimic release.  

One final time Betsy plunges her tongue into Jay’s mouth and Jay feels her body’s convulsions reach their peak.

Betsy moans and gently screams fuck me into Jays ear just as Jay blasts another load of cum deep into Betsy’s young but will
little sister.

Betsy feels Jay cum and she warps her legs even tighter around his ass and pulls him deeper into her pussy. After 2 or 3 minutes
when Jay’s little buddy seems to be happy, Betsy rolls Jays to the side and unwraps herself from his body, she then surprises herself
and Jay by going down and sucking on Jay’s little buddy again.

Betsy what the heck are you doing now?

I want to get every last drop of cum out of you and I wanted to taste what I taste like on your cock.

Shit Jenny what have you told this girl, she knows everything we did it seems.

Betsy with a smile glued on her face says, you feel better now?

I feel great but I don’t know how I’ll deal with my guilt.

Then don’t, I don’t feel guilty about anything and you shouldn’t either. I came on to you and I actually feel better now that
I know I have not disappointed Jenny.

Come on Betsy Jenny wouldn’t want you to be fucking me.

No are you sure? She loved you more than you know MrJ, the massage thing, the willingness to do anything sexual, the freedom
she gave you to play golf anytime anywhere. I bet knowing what happened and what you are going through right now dealing
with the accident and all involved. She would tell you that I may be young but I am a woman with a mind of my own and I can
have sex with anyone I want to. If you are still willing I choose you MrJ I like you and I like your cock and you know how to take
care of me plus I like golf nearly as much as you. We have a bond through Jenny and we both love her still and we both need a
friend, I know I do. Are you telling me you didn’t enjoy my young tight little sister and my willing body.
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Post at 18-2-2012 16:47  Profile P.M. 
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cont ...

No I like everything about you, I just worry about someone finding out about our play time and telling your folks and the fall out
could ruin your life. I can just move but your family is your family and you need to protect that relationship because they will be
around long after I’m gone.

Don’t talk like that. Jenny wouldn’t put up with that kind of crap and I don’t want you to worry about it either. If my folks or
anyone else finds out I’ll just move out of their house, my Grandma left me some money and I got it on my 18th birthday I can
live anywhere I want  with that money and not worry about money for 30 years or maybe more.

Fuck Betsy now you are not only a hot chick that plays golf but rich too, can I be your sugar daddy no make that sugar baby
cause you’ll be the one keeping me as a play thing.

Sure but I get that 8 inch curved cock anytime I want it OK.

What about my talented tongue?

That too

So I know it is none of my business but can I ask how much cash grandma left you on your 18th birthday?

A million a year for all my years until I was 18, she left me 18 million dollars.

Damn Betsy good for you your life can be better or worse depending on how you manage your money or it can manager you.
What do your parents think about the money?

Well they think I got enough cash from a little saving account Grandma left me so I can buy a mid priced car so I can go to college.
I was contacted a week before my birthday by Mr. Gains at the bank and he told me to come see him after my 18th and he would
give me some good news about my gift from Grandma. He also told me when I went to the bank that Grandma gave him
instructions to tell my folks it was only car money so I wouldn’t have to lie to them myself.

Thoughtful Grandma you have there. So what are you going to do with you new found wealth?

I’m not sure but I will tell you this you will be the only person I tell, if my folks knew Grandma left me that much money I bet they
would go to court to try a get control of the money, Grandma left detailed instructions that I read while I was at the bank with
Mr. Gains that I am to never tell them what she left me.

Well maybe I’ll hoodwink you out of your money. You know I am a perverted old man who has a taste for young sexy women.

So you’re going to give up this young willing body and steal my money just so you can afford a different young sexy woman who
you don’t even know? Plus you’ll have to move away?

Well now that you put it that way it doesn’t sound so great, plus let me show you something. Jay bends down and takes one of
Betsy’s pert little pink nipples into his mouth and sucks gently on it until Betsy grabs the back of his head and pulls him closer to
her and starts making moaning sounds along with reaching down and grabbing his little buddy with her still warm hands. Jay stops
sucking when Betsy’s nipples are both fully erect and sticking out a good ½ inch.

Hey don’t stop on my account I like it.

No I just wanted to taste your beautiful pink nipples.

Well you only sucked on one, please give the other one the same attention you don’t want it to feel left out do you?

Of course not, Jay slowly licks the other nipple with his tongue and with more force than before opens his mouth wide and engulfs
Betsy’s breast into his mouth, using his tongue to swirl and tease her breast and nipple Betsy almost faints from the force of the
pleasure that is over coming her senses.

Jay breaks off from the breast play on Betsy’s very pretty and round very round and now full breasts to tell her: OK here’s our deal
for right now, you can own my cock and I get access to young and pert body, all of it anytime it is convenient for both of us.
We agree to not to go crazy crazy like teenagers even though technically speaking I guess you really are a teenager. Anyway as
I am too lazy to go find myself and woman my own age I’ll just have to take advantage of you, OK.

Good for me, but can I ask one more favor?

Only if you can ask while we take of shower in that there bathroom girl, I need to get moving so I don’t miss my opportunity to
skin a few youthful friends. So what do you need my sweet little Miss?

Well I’m going to tell my mom that I can earn a little money cleaning your house for you and because I want to spend a little of my
new found wealth on myself I want to use you as my money source, is that OK with you?

Sure what else can I get in trouble for other than helping you hide your money from your folks.

But I have just one other small request OK.

Get on with it girl what?

I going to tell my mom I can start late this afternoon when you get back from golfing.

Betsy my house is always clean, Jenny trained me real good I pick up after myself and make my bed and do the dishes and
even wash and iron my cloths so there’s really nothing for you to do.

I know Jenny told me. I just want to come over so you can lick my ‘little sister’ again is that OK?

OK with me, but I warn you again my pussy licking and kissing skills will ruin you for other men who are less skilled or unwilling to
learn the art of pleasing a woman.

I’m OK with that, what time do you think you’ll be home after golf?

Better not get here before 7PM as they will want to drown their sorrow in liquor when I get done with them and take their money.

7 it is good now turn around and I’ll scrub your back and legs so you don’t smell like my pussy juice.

But if I do smell like your pussy juice then the guys will wonder what the heck is going on and it will distract them and I’ll beat
them all the more.

Jenny warned me about your golfing craziness, but she loved you for it, she loved everything about you. There your back is done
turn again and I’ll get the front side, don’t worry I’ll leave little buddy alone so he can get some rest. But look at that he wants a
little kiss Betsy leans in and take Jay’s cock into her mouth again sucking gently.

Jay pulls away telling Betsy later girl I need to get going. Washing his arms and chest vigorously Jay adds a little shampoo to his hair
and does a quick rinse. Next Jay grabs Betsy by the butt and turns her around so he can scrub her ass and legs and back. That done
he spins her ½ way again and washes her breasts with both hands doing the work. Betsy smiles at Jay and moans in mock delight
placing her arms around Jay’s neck and giving him a light kiss with only a little bit of tongue.

Do I kiss OK MrJ?

With a wry grin on his face Jay says: are you kidding me? You have a beautiful face full lips to die for and white teeth, plus your
tongue is pretty long from what I can tell right now remembering the feeling when your tongue was ½ way down my throat.
Who in their right mind wouldn’t want to play tonsil hockey with you? What I don’t understand is why would you want to kiss an
old man like me?

Age has nothing to do with feelings, Jenny’s love for you rubbed off on me. I can’t explain it to you in words very well all I know
is you don’t seem old to me. You have wicked sex skills and you really live life so until something in me changes you should take
advantage of this once in a life time opportunity.

OK I will, but now I’m getting dressed and getting my rig loaded and get going to the golf course I need to hit some balls and
get warmed up to play.

Hey are you going anywhere near a store while I am out playing this afternoon?

Maybe what do you need?

I don’t need anything but you need to buy some of the same soap and shampoo and your other personal stuff just the same as
you use at home. You can’t go home from cleaning my house smelling like my soap and my after shave. I have some cash in a
drawer in the desk inside the small bedroom. Take some money and get what you need.

Did you already forget I’ve got more money than you do I’ll get what I need and put it on my cash card Mr. Gains gave me so I
can buy stuff but not have scads of cash laying around.

OK have it your way I just want you to know I was kidding about being your sugar baby.

Laughing Betsy says; well maybe I wasn’t kidding.

Have it your way but I’ve got to go now. If anything blows up while I’m playing here is my cell number call me and I do what
I can to help.

I love you MrJ

I love you too Betsy but it is a very confusing kind of feeling, I love your youth and your beauty and a whole bunch of other
mixed up kind of love feelings about you.

I’ll accept that it makes a weird kind of sense when you say it. I see ya at 7 tonight

Kick their asses MrJ.
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Post at 19-2-2012 05:45  Profile P.M. 
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continue or ?

As you can see I do like to write, you will have to figure out if what I write is fact of fiction,
my question is this ... Should I keep writing/posting or is my writing too boring or too amateur.

Thanks ...
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Post at 19-2-2012 12:55  Profile P.M. 
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Wasn't expecting this when I clicked on the thread lol. Didn't know this section also included literary erotica haha.
Kinky King
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Post at 23-2-2012 07:15  Profile P.M. 
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Interesting. I hope I get that lucky when I'm 60.

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49butfun   27-2-2012 06:18  Acceptance  +1   so do I finish the story ?
Kinky King
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Post at 29-2-2012 15:01  Profile P.M. 
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Yes. Go ahead and finish it. I've already made it this far.

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49butfun   1-3-2012 02:24  Karma  +2   OK but this is less then 10k words, it takes 350k to finish a book.

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