Subject: How low can you go??
Kinky King
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Post at 20-2-2012 02:32  Profile P.M. 
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On the "other" DB there is a girl in Cheung Sha Wan offering FS OR Anal Sex for 200HKD.
On the pictures she actually doesn't look bad. Photoshop level 500 or real bargain? Someone in the area to check it out?
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Post at 20-2-2012 09:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #50 Intenseslacker's post

Sadly I've stuck my dick in worse than this.

I don't think I would put my dick her...  but it is questionable enough that... if in the moment... there might be a chance .

Now I will say, I've rarely had a bad blow job.  Even a BJ from a no-skill girl is a nice thing.  In this girls case, I gotta think she probably has ridiculously good BJ skills.  So IF somebody paid me to get a BJ from her, I'd do it.  Yeah I'm a slut

[ Last edited by  Jimstevens at 20-2-2012 09:43 ]

Bros before hos
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Post at 20-2-2012 12:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 DArtagnan's post

Well DArt,

Like the cab drivers say when you arrive in Las Vegas, 'You go too cheap, and you'll be taking something home with you."  Sage advice my bros.

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investor   28-2-2012 21:05  Acceptance  +1   Excellent - very true

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Post at 21-2-2012 15:29  Profile P.M. 
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This thread totally reminds me of the movie "Yes Man!" where Jim Carey's character gets a special thank you from his elderly neighbor lol

Here's the scene:
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Post at 22-2-2012 08:11  Profile P.M. 
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Well guys, this thread has gone on for 4 pages and I'm yet to see a bro to stick his hand [or something else] up to find out if Fa Fa's offer is any good.  Come on bro's someone take one for the group.

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Tuffbod   22-2-2012 22:58  Acceptance  +1   Yeah mikemike accepted the challenge...
Jimstevens   22-2-2012 12:01  Acceptance  +2   I think MikeMikeMike accepted on page #2? No post on it though

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Post at 22-2-2012 10:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #65 wackojacko's post

yea true that. i think the tally reward is now 100 K's plus bragging rights. its a no brainer.. i think i'll even throw in a refreshing lemon
tea and mints on my account to the bro that does this.

Do we have any takers? I think you should pick one up and taxi it over to drill sargents abode and let the festivities begin!

I officially bow out of this challenge so for all those left in the running, gods speed my sons.
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Post at 22-2-2012 12:41  Profile P.M. 
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Sadly, I won't be in HK for at least a few months... So I am. Not able. But, dammit, if I were there, I would take one for the team and show up. Someone else local needs to sack up and bring us the skinny on this deal. God knows, my curiosityknows no end.
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Post at 22-2-2012 12:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #32 mikemikemike's post

MikeMikeMike, six days ago you accepted the challenge.......have you done the deed?  Where are the pics/evidence?  Or is the challenge still up for another bro?

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Post at 22-2-2012 14:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 DArtagnan's post

Just for the record, I have seen cheaper FS on this site.  In this post (, I mentioned a $150 WG (May of Cheung Sha Wan...   

But $200 is admittedly pretty low...  And, no, I wouldn't even think about going there...

Have fun, CGP
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Post at 22-2-2012 23:26  Profile P.M. 
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See my offer, made on 14 Feb above. It still stands , provided you can show me photo proof.

Keep on mongering

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