Subject: Line up rejection

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Post at 29-1-2012 13:44  Profile P.M. 
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Line up rejection

How do girls feel when they are not picked in a line up? How do they feel rejected or offended by any chance?
Here is an example:
I found this exceptionally rude and time consuming, can barely imagine the pressure on some of these girls? But might be my westerner way of thinking cause im not brought up in china/asia.
Out of the line ups that I have seen, once a girl sighed with disappointment or frustration as I heard it (no it wasnt that sigh of relief - trust me). Another time out of only 2 girls, after I turned around I heard the girl that I didnt choose hit her fist down I noticed she was holding her cellphone. Sorry I havent wrote those reports as I prefer to keep them private and have my moment. But, feel free to contact me for for contact details (in melbourne and auckland). But these experiences led me to think... how does it feel for the girl? How much pressure does it give her? Especially when there are so few girls to choose from.
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Post at 29-1-2012 13:56  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by haton at 29-1-2012 13:44
...Sorry I havent wrote those reports as I prefer to keep them private and have my moment. But, feel free to contact me for for contact details (in melbourne and auckland) ...

since you prefer to keep them private, there is no need to contact you for details.

and since the only reports you have posted so far are fakes, any info you share is highly suspect.

answer the question in the other thread first.

thread closed.

[ Last edited by  DaBestHK at 29-1-2012 13:57 ]

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