Subject: Bros showing reports to get girls to do things
DArtagnan (unofficial Mayor of the Forum)
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Post at 30-1-2012 14:30  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by wander
Sorry it happened to you, Bro.  I would be seriously pissed off too, and indeed, this practice of some shitheads has STOPPED some bros from even reporting at all.  Hope it didn't ruin your "thing" with the gal, but I totally agree - this is NOT ON!!  ...

This alas highlights the double-edged aspect of the forum

Of course, a bro who tries to use a report to get better favours is an idiot.  
If you're game is good, you can get much BETTER than the report.  Why limit yourself to what another bro got?  
And if she refuses, sorry bro, it IS personal: she doesn't like you.  For some reason.  Take it like a man and quit whining.  
Oh, and don't spoil it for others: what goes around ultimately comes around.  

The dark side is of course that this is a public forum.  
Everything we write is read by hundreds, often thousands.  
It is a permanent record that we can't retract, or even edit, except in the special case where doing so is in the interest of the forum's owner and Admin.
It is read by punters and agents.
It is read by the girls themselves.
It is read by Law Enforcement all over the world (be it for personal 'research' or for enforcement activities).
And it is read by idiots.

Again, get over it.  

You should NEVER write something that is untrue or indefensible.  You only screw yourself by writing fake (good or bad) reports.  
You should also make a point of writing criticism in a balanced and factual way.  If you didn't like something, say what and why, but avoid bad language and insults.  

And if you have a super relationship with a favourite that you've nurtured with your ongoing $upport, don't blow it:  
EITHER keep the special service you're getting to yourself,
OR write a nice heartwarming account in the Mongers' Lounge leaving her name and contact out of it.  

Everything you say is on the record, and may be used for purposes you didn't intend it for,
so write accordingly.

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wander   30-1-2012 15:01  Karma  +1   Well said, Dart. All true...

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 30-1-2012 21:35  Profile P.M. 
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My two cents here; this is one of those issues that everybody has to say something about but I think it is important to understand some basic facts here.

Although Pussy is a commodity, it is not fungible like a Big Mac .

All providers are different and all customers are different you - can't expect that the same thing given by a provider to one person is given to another. Think of it not so much as having a meal cooked which be the same every time but more like a person who's going to see a concert or a play, some nights the performers will be really on top of their game and do a great job, other nights might be coming down with a cold and feeling under the weather, be concerned about their son or daughter getting into drugs or trouble at school, their deathly ill grandmother, or any number of other factors which will affect their emotions and ability to do their job that evening.

They are not robots or machines and consequently their performance, interest, attitude, physical response (girls, in most cases, can’t orgasm unless they are completely comfortable and relaxed and it is not a physical thing like with men) they will vary from time to time with the same customer, much less with different customers, all of whom themselves may be seeking different physical mental requirements from the WG.

One of my regulars, who usually likes to get really banged hard (you can hear our pelvises slapping together ) in missionary or 15 minutes or so sometimes says to me, not explicitly but in so many words “I’m tired, hurry up”, and I do because I respect her and value the relationship we have developed and 90% of the time she does go for it. Its just how it is.

About 15 years ago I was in the Regent Kowloon Hotel restaurant region and somebody I was with ordered a Chef Salad. There was a picture of the salad on the menu and it showed that came with 4 shrimp. However, the person who received the salad only counted 2 shrimp and they sent it back, complaining "the picture shows 4, I want 4”. It does not work that way with WG and any brother who tries this is dead wrong and makes the rest of us look bad .

YMMV is all you can expect with them. Be respectful for the girls and respect your self.

Keep on mongering

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ICIM   31-1-2012 03:27  Acceptance  +1   I'll never look at a Big Mac the same way again...
daik35   30-1-2012 22:28  Karma  +1   Big mac love that analogy "two all beef patty, special sauce...."
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Post at 30-1-2012 22:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 gwailoplayer's post

gwailoplayer actually you're right it ain't a big mac as it's only one beef pussy, special suace" and it doesn't come with pickles as you have to bring that!
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 31-1-2012 14:12  Profile P.M. 
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Twisted. You're not buying a car and its not like "hey look, this guy got a free stereo set in the car , I got proof". Reports are not proofs, there are here to comment on a service that was given at a certain time to a cerain person and this service will vary depending on the customer. Weird some guys take those reports to ask for the same service. It may be an industry, but that doesnt mean the girl shouldnt like you and that she doesnt have feelings.
Really annoying to have people use the reports loke this....
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 31-1-2012 16:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 DArtagnan's post

I fancy the definition "Idiot" in your context!!

Like to add "All punters are selfish in nature", some very extreme and some midly inconsiderate.

We continue to Monge, with or without the existence of these idiot/selfish punter.

Happy New Dragon Year!!!!
Dragon fart Fire!!!

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9


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