Subject: Year of the punting Dragon...?
Kinky King
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Post at 27-1-2012 02:51  Profile P.M. 
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oh hell no, RA80 on that pic!!  if it IS a tat...OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!!!!  eyes watering just thinking about that!

sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 27-1-2012 05:29  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 23-1-2012 08:34 PM
Hey Tony ... how did you manage to take a pic of JTB's not so little one ???

I was thinking the same!

man not a great way to start the new year with that pic at 141.
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Post at 27-1-2012 22:11  Profile Blog P.M. 
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ah, u guys...

it's a great pic if u like fake-stuff u can horrify yr pals with.

it's a lot better if u make up a story to go with it: "my buddy won a tequila-drinking contest and THIS was the prize!"

when i started getting tattooed, it was just starting to become popular in hipster-culture, as documented in the RE/search book "Modern Primitives." but u don't have to go too far back to find a time when tattooing was, well:
At that time (mid-1960s) tattooing was resolutely not "trendy," "cool," or accepted at all in mainstream culture. It was a hermetically dark and, to most people, intimidating or frightening world run by a small handful of closed-mouthed loners who had seen a lot and didn't give a shit about polite society. This aura of piracy, combined with the hypnosis of the compelling imagery and difficulty of craft, rendered it irresistible to me.
-- Don Ed Hardy
-- 1997

the concepts of "piracy/hypnotic imagery/difficult craft" have now been subsumed into the reality-TV vomitorium, spewed out in colorful chunks for transient titillation. tattooists are now rock stars, complete with phalanxes of sycophants. it was a lot more interesting when people saw your tattoo and got ANGRY with you (yes, this happened to me more than once).

i still like tattoos and think there's some great art out there, but it's not for everyone. fortunately, it hurts...and u can't auction them off for charity either.

i don't know much about piercing but any penile-piercing is hazardous. sure, it can be done, but u better find someone who knows what the fuck they're doing if yr gonna get stainless steel rammed through your Johnson. lotta nerve-endings, oh and did u know the thing fills with blood when it gets erect?

tissue varies across the body. erectile tissue is great for nipples--think it works in eyelids? tattoo artists know their skin, and those i've talked to say it varies with the individual. it's pretty obvious just looking at ppl: some have smooth skin, some leathery, and there are different skin tones of course. you can admire as many fotos of Japanese tattoos as u like, but unless u've seen the work of a Japanese master who's spent decades perfecting his art on the living, glowing skin of a Japanese woman (and yes, i've been that fortunate), you only have a concept of what it looks like. it's one of those art-forms that IMHO is difficult to capture, if not impossible. centuries of tradition, a lifetime of training, hours of endurance...and a woman's back transcends her natural beauty.

so, the guy getting his dick painted: well, it's a nice paint-job if it's not Photoshop. some people do have tattooed penises, it's not easy. the tissue is very flexible (compare the size of yr flaccid organ to that when yr so horny yr fit to bust...2x, 3x difference? u wanta try painting a canvas like that?). i have no idea what it feels like--i'm not at all interested in getting my penis tattooed.

i do wear a lot of art tho, and while it's usually useless, it can be a lot of fun. i wd say that about 30% of WGs, possibly 40%, when they realize there's a lot of skin that's been inked, point playfully to my penis and say "why not here?" or something similar. it's ALWAYS good for a laugh. my response depends on the gal.

here are a couple of fotos from my private collection...the thigh piece was done by Hardy. it combines imagery we both had in mind, melded together from memories of old-school carnivals in the USA and their promotional banners (painted on canvas, with reinforced grommets--metal rivets with holes so they could be stretched taut and displayed with rope, then rolled up for storage), our shared interest in the hidden, the sacred and the profane. Hardy spent six months apprenticing with an old-school tattooist in rural Japan in 1975, we got to know each other on a trip to Japan in 1990--he was tattooing these rockabilly hipsters out of some place in Shinjuku 2-chome and had time to hang out, so we both were interested in the culture. Ed made the carny-girl with a Sailor Jerry pinup-face, i wanted it obscured by a translucent mask like those go-go dancers on the midway. he said great, but what about the Japanese gal? i suddenly thought: surgical mask! it was an inspiration i'm still proud of, but it was Ed, with his unique appreciation of the sacred and the profane, who suggested the string of pearls around her waist.   

i've gone on at length because some people really do think about this stuff, and endure the experience. there's just a bit more involved than slapping some paint on a guy's dick.

if u wanna see something that'll really blow yr mind, and is real, check out The Goatse.


[ Last edited by  JackTheBat at 27-1-2012 22:13 ]

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doghead   27-1-2012 23:58  Karma  +4   My apologies but the beautiful girl is distracting me from admiring ur art...
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 28-1-2012 03:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 JackTheBat's post

i am distracted by her cute face, then her tattoo...then in between her smooooth thighs!
Kinky King
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Post at 28-1-2012 04:14  Profile P.M. 
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That would scare off most of the 141 girls.

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