I haven't been around here much but have been up to my usual mongering routines 2 to 3 times per week with at least one visit per week to either KP or 37D, in alternating weeks. Today it was my KP week. As usual I walk in, all the MMS greet me by name. I made my request and upon hearing she was off today, requested my second and third alternate. When we ran through those I said okay, show me someone new. I thought great, as I usually stick with those I know deliver the goods but its good to try something different from time to time and see if I can expand my stable of regulars.
A young girl was brought in, sits down next to me, makes brief eye contact and laughs, and then looks away directs her gaze to the TV. I try my standard KP icebreaker questions "what city/province are you from", "how old are you" "how long have you been in Hong Kong" etc in my elemental conversational Mando. The girl answers the questions but continues to look at the television. I very quickly got the vibe she didn't want to speak with me and so 30 seconds of silence ensued. They could've been shyness, discomfort, the dreaded Gwailo dick syndrome, simply don't like white guys, or as my wife advises me, some folks from the mainland have never seen a gwailo before in their life and get very uncomfortable around them. I can deal with this, most of the time. In my experience at KP is me who does the rejecting but probably once out of every five times they bring in someone who effectively rejects me. Not A problem for me usually but for some reason today it was. After another 20 seconds of silence and not looking at me the girl then stood up and went to the light switch is by the door and pushed one button and immediately thereafter the MMS came in and took her away. I have never seen this happen before and apparently this is a signal to the MMS to come in and take her away. MMS gave me an inquiring look and I said "Bu Hao". She left and brings in another
This girl was equally young slim and pretty and she does the same thing, comes in sits down very far forward on the couch and cast her eyes on the television and didn't look at me once apart from when she first walked in. I then tried the standard icebreaking questions as above. "What's your name" and she says "no name",
"where are you from", and she says "I don't know". I then say "how do you like Hong Kong" and she says nothing. I could not even see her face as her head was turned away in the direction of the TV. For whatever reason her responses got me very pissed off
and I sat there burning up for about 30 seconds while she looked at the television and then I stood up and took her by the wrist and pushed her out the door and slammed it closed. MMS comes back in and says "what's wrong?" and with my limited Mandarin I tried to explain to her that this girl neither looked at me nor would talk to me. She then says okay will get you another and left again.
I sat there burning for about four minutes and then I was so pissed off that I realized I would have no patience for another girl even if she did have an interest or fake an interest in me and started grabbing my dick. The anger caused my raging itch to ejaculate inside a female not my wife to quickly dissipate. So I walked out.
Generally I am a big fan of KP and have been going there weekly or biweekly for 6 years and they have always had excellent quality control and I have never had this kind of problem. There have been times when they have brought in a succession of five or six girls, always very patiently, until I found one that I liked, and Mandy the English speaking MMS always takes great care of me when she is there. I feel kind of bad about the way I behaved as I seek to avoid the ugly Gwailo syndrome
having lived in Asia for a while, but I think the girls should at least make some effort to act friendly and fake it for the 90 second interview, even when they find the guy hideous and can't wait to get out of the interview. I was not unshaven, poorly dressed, drunk, overweight, smelly, or any other things which may turn off a girl, even a KP WG who may not be as choosy as a civvie. I was just my usual self who rocked up to KP like I do every other week to get some commercial grade tail.
I think it was just two bad ones in a row that were brought in today, sort of like a run of bad poker hands. Alternatively perhaps somehow I grew a third eye or horns on my head since this morning and did not see them. I noted that these 2 were somewhat younger than the usual ones the MMS brings me, as most of the MMS have figured out that I prefer slightly older product as they typically know a bit more about how to service the customer
and are less arrogant.
Just one of those days where I guess it wasn't supposed to happen
Keep on mongering