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Post at 16-5-2011 22:19  Profile P.M. 
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IMF president accused of sexual assault

The leader of the IMF and was a possible front runner to be the next leader of France has been accused of sexual assault of a hotel cleaning maid.

He was staying in the penthouse suite of a NY hotel.  According to her she thought the room was empty and he walked out of the bathroom naked and chased her down the hallway and forced her back in the room wherehe forced her to perform oral sex before she escaped.

It's all alleged but he did leave his cell phone behind in the hotel and seemed to high tail it out of there as the cops found him inside a plane in JFK about to take off.
Don't know what's real or not and not making light of the situation but who forces oral sex on someone?

If you are committing the heinous crime of forcing yourself on someone isn't the LAST thing you'd do is force oral sex?  Aren't you in the absolute most vulnerable situation?  They could simply bite your LB (which would serve you right) and you are done.  Obviously if there is a weapon involved the rapist has more control of the situation but this the strangest thing I've ever heard.  Oral sex?  It doesn't make sense.  Also this guy sounds pretty wealthy since the penthouse suite isa grand or two or three per night, he can't call a high priced escort?  He has to chase down a 32 year old cleaning lady?

I'm not taking sides at all, I'm just dumbfounded by the allegation, it is so bizarre. If it is true realize this freak is leader of one of e most powerful global organizations in the world and was on track to become president of a country.

[ Last edited by  mchk at 16-5-2011 22:27 ]
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Post at 16-5-2011 23:55  Profile P.M. 
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It will be interesting to see how this plays out for sure.

While I would like to believe in innocent until proven guilty, this guys seems to have quite a history if you read some of the news reports. And this whole raping-the-hotel-maid is so straight out of Penthouse Forum, its unbelievable that anyone would actually (allegedly) carry it out.

Maybe he is pals with Berlusconi and wanted a new story to tell....
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Post at 17-5-2011 00:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 mchk's post

Just goes to show:

1. Some/many/most/all men are pigs.

2. Far better for society to allow hotel girls to open their legs voluntarily for a few hundred bucks
than for hotel maids to be forced to do so against their will.
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Post at 17-5-2011 01:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 mchk's post

why is seeing a hooker such a bad thing?, surely what a man does in his private life is his decision and his own business right?
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Post at 17-5-2011 01:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 Icecube2k8's post

I'm not sure where it is being called a bad thing.  I'm actually confused why he didnt see a hooker, he can afford a high priced one.  Why would he chase down a cleaning lady?  It doesn't make any sense.

I can't figure out why didn't he call a hooker if he needed to get his hollies off.  Something doesn't sound right.
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Post at 17-5-2011 04:33  Profile P.M. 
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This is just plain stupid on his part. Why go after the maid when you can pay for superb and discreet service? All your years of service and hard work gone down the drain because you were too cheap and stupid to get a working girl.
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Post at 17-5-2011 18:43  Profile P.M. 
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Could always be a setup, who knows?

Or, he could just be an ego driven, power hungry scumbag... they always say that rape isn't about the sex, its about the power, the domination. Guy probably felt invincible.

Kinda funny how his alleged actions parallel what the IMF does to the third world.... Despicable.
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Post at 17-5-2011 21:41  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by thebigz0 at 17-5-2011 18:43
Could always be a setup, who knows?

Or, he could just be an ego driven, power hungry scumbag... they always say that rape isn't about the sex, its about the power, the domination. Guy probably felt i ...

If the allegations are true this is the ONLY plausible explanation.  This guy feels he is so powerful, so invincible he can dowhat he wants to whom he wants without any repricutions because the world bows down to him.  If this is the case then I hope he gets thrown in prison and gets ass raped a few times to get a taste of his own medicine.    Again, innocent until proven guilty so I will still withold judgement for now.
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Post at 17-5-2011 22:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 mchk's post

I'm with you on this. On the surface, it doesn't seem to make sense. At that level, a perfectly WILLING and hot babe is just a phone call away. Cost can't possibly be an issue.

If he is guilty, then I can only think temporary insanity and horrendously poor judgement led to to his downfall. But if he is innocent, then this starts to take a darker tone.. a possibly consipiracy to stop him from being the next president of France?
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Post at 18-5-2011 01:17  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Xplayer at 17-5-2011 22:59
I'm with you on this. On the surface, it doesn't seem to make sense. At that level, a perfectly WILLING and hot babe is just a phone call away. Cost can't possibly be an issue.

If he is guilty, then ...

If he's innocent it is only 1 of 2 things:

1) maid looking to cash in, the guy is staying in a $3k room she knows he's loaded.
2)he was set up to be removed from power and politically destroyed from future endeavors, much darker tone like you said.

The whole thing is weird and we may never know the truth unless it's a Clinton situation and the maid has a stained dress, but it doesnt sound like it got to that point.....
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Post at 18-5-2011 22:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 mchk's post

for me all the story look like a set up.

the guy is the IMF president and favourite to be the new french president, lots of people want him down.

it's only a rope case, not even a rope cos no intercourse, only a forced bj for what I read on the news.
But it likes he was judge for a murder case, and why they protect the maid so much? No any journalist can approach her.
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Post at 19-5-2011 09:48  Profile P.M. 
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doesn't seem likely that someone this high in the food chain would risk it all for a quick bhj with a maid......smell set up
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Post at 19-5-2011 10:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 calaisien's post

Why protect the maid?  Obvious: rape or sexual assault is already stressful, and only a small % of rapes ever get reported let alone tried.  They want to protect her from hassle and also preserve any testimony she may have to give in court.  

In his position, he knows for sure about his opponents, and can't have got where he is without a habit of being careful and covering his tracks ... if he got caught, he has himself to blame

but he is innocent until the case is heard and judged.  

Having said that there's a case surfaced in France, where a reporter had to fight him off during an interview ... politically motivated?  Maybe.  But a politician who creates ammunition for his opponents to use is an idiot.

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 21-5-2011 21:49  Profile P.M. 
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The dude is out on bail.  Needs ankle bracelet and has turned in his passport and travel documents.  Strauss needs to hire a personal bodyguard at his own expense.  I gather the goon is for his own protection and just in case he acts up again in front of any female(s).  

Amazing what money can buy and the favors called in.  If he was any other Joe then he still would be in his cell.  IMHO, he looks guilty as hell as he left his cell phone in the room and "rushed" (well, after having lunch) to the airport. Close, but yet so far as they had to escort him off the plane..

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Post at 27-5-2011 16:06  Profile P.M. 
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[ Last edited by  Loveasia at 27-5-2011 16:08 ]

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Post at 1-6-2011 09:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 bohica's post

what is the favor? the guy had to paid 1millions and have to live like a murdurer until the trial finish

few years Lawrence Taylor (famous us football player) was involve in a sexual assault to a 16yo girls, only have to pay 75000 and he went back home!
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Post at 7-7-2011 22:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Mister's post

or he was framed

all men are not pigs, sorry
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Post at 13-7-2011 15:20  Profile P.M. 
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this is extremely weird, don't know if to believe or not... might be just a make up who knows

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