The the other 3 posts you've just put up.
MAN!!! that must be some pretty good stuff you're on!!
Either that or you'd better stop spamming right now! LOL!
nan fang mean south china
the rolex shop is expensive than buy from (French)en sussus switzerand, how much it cost totally ? any photo for girls? thank for report, can they speak English fluent? not mandarin
2500 RMB and 400 USD was a month salary for china factory worker
are the girls is Shanghai university student?can she speak fluent American style English like organization not organisation? takemore photo as you can! north korea 朝鮮Cháoxiǎn and Vietnam Việt Nam 越南 girls are better than PRC because those country are not allow have sex and poor. any big Brest photo taken?
this is so good
will you go again to visit this hooker?