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Post at 29-11-2010 10:16  Profile P.M. 
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Tips from Mullah Mustapha

Here's one for all those guys asking about tipping!

a Mullah Mustapha story ... goes like this ...

Mullah Mustapha went to the turkish baths - and he had a terrible time - the staff ignored him, he got the worst room and the worst service, as they attended to other more affluent-looking customers.  Then, after finishing, he tipped the staff - he gave each one a gold coin, taking trouble to seek out every last attendant he'd seen.  

So he goes back a week later, and sure enough, this time no trouble is too much for the staff, he gets the best room, clean hot towels, hot water, his every whim is anticipated even before he can open his mouth ... the service is truly outstanding, better than 5 star ... Then, after finishing, he tips them - giving each one a copper coin this time.  

"But ..!" they say "last time we gave you terrible service, but you gave us gold.  This time we gave you our very best service and you're only giving us copper!  Surely we deserve better from you??"

"Ah" he replies "last time I was tipping you for this session ... this time I'm tipping you for the last session"

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!

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