Subject: Does anyone know a good online translator for Cantonese?
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Post at 22-11-2010 13:47  Profile P.M. 
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Does anyone know a good online translator for Cantonese?

Sometimes I have to use online translators for Chinese articles whenever I am too lazy to read it in Chinese.  There are a number of online translators, Babelfish, Google own translating, etc out there but they are geared for translating Mandarin into English.  I want to find one that can translate Cantonese into English because as you know Cantonese is different enough that when translated it becomes gibberish.  Anyone can provide a link?
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Post at 22-11-2010 17:43  Profile P.M. 
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Like you mentioned.  Google is probably the better one.  You're not going to find one for Cantonese because the language is more colloquial and is spoken differently from the written form.  That's why things will not translate.

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