Subject: The Dreaded Office Talker (Yes Talker, not Stalker)
  This thread has been closed by sexyloser at 18-5-2024 10:40. 
Lustful Lord
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Post at 11-11-2010 13:51  Profile P.M. 
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LOL.  Yeah I'm pretty sure that would get him to back off.  This guy has a wife and kids and doesn't seem like he'll swing that way.  Even if he did, I don't care if I stay the lowest level at my company.  Things only exit out of this behind.  NOTHING is ever going in (ok maybe except for doctor exams).  And for sure, I'm not giving a dude a BJ. Even if they promote me to CEO.  I'd rather eat ramen every day. =)
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Post at 15-11-2010 07:37  Profile P.M. 
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Just an update.  I've been using the strategies suggested by all  the bros all of last week.  It did not seem to be working because I was not being direct.  But one thing I find strange.  All of a sudden, on Friday, the guy starts ignoring me.  I wonder if it's because he's a fellow bro that reads this forum.  Or if he's just super busy.  It's the end of the year and the company always wants us to push out all our projects before the Holiday break.  Maybe I'm just being paranoid...

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SEAJ   15-11-2010 14:37  Acceptance  +1   NOW u're in deep doo-doo! LOL!
Lustful Lord
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Post at 15-11-2010 16:19  Profile P.M. 
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Yeah maybe.   It something just doesn't seem right.  Normally he'll come by 3 - 4 times a day.  So something is wierd.  I don't think I provided so much information that specifically identifies him.  Every office has a guy that likes to talk a lot.

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SEAJ   15-11-2010 17:09  Acceptance  +1   Don't Worry!Just yanking ya!Prob solved
Lustful Lord
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Post at 16-11-2010 13:49  Profile P.M. 
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haha. Hope that is the case.  Anyway, I'm flying in a couple of days so I'll worry about it when I get back.

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