Subject: Policemen in China jailed for rape attempt
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Post at 31-10-2010 19:58  Profile P.M. 
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Policemen in China jailed for rape attempt

I wonder how many of these 'police rapes' go on that don't make it into the paper because no one gets killed and the girls don't report it.

Policemen in China jailed for rape attempt
TWO policemen in central China have been jailed for the attempted rape of two teenage girls, one of whom jumped to her death while trying to resist the assault.
Gong Cheng, a policeman in Hunan province, was given the death penalty with a two-year reprieve, the Intermediate People's Court in Xiangxi prefecture said in a statement. 

Such a sentence is usually commuted to life in prison.

Assistant policeman Xu Lei was sentenced to 15 years in jail.

Another three men involved in the attempted rape were given the death penalty with a two-year reprieve, life in prison and 13 years respectively.

According to the statement, the two girls knew one of the men and went to karaoke in Fenghuang county with him and the four others on September 4.

The men decided to spike the girls' drinks with ketamine, a general anaesthetic that causes a temporary loss of body sensation, and take them to a hotel, it said.
They then tried to rape them, but the girls, both 16, resisted.

One of the men slapped and kicked one of the girls and threatened her.

Gong then tried to rape the girl, but she escaped without the men noticing and threw herself out of a window from the ninth floor, falling to her death, the court said.

The five were also ordered to pay more than 350,000 yuan ($A53,739) in compensation ... 61612#ixzz13w7efZrJ
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Post at 31-10-2010 20:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

I don't know about drugs but don't think you can spike a drink with ketamine. Furthermore, wouldn't ketamine make the girls resist any advance in a violent manner? I thought the date rape drug is Rohypnol or roofy as they US college students call it. Ketamine would make people behave violently when confronted with danger.
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Post at 31-10-2010 20:23  Profile P.M. 
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Oh wow, i remember seeing this a couple months back, this is a forward step for China, im glad that for once the policeman were not let off the hook due to governmental connections and victim pay offs.
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Post at 31-10-2010 21:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

How does the two year reprieve thing work?  The article says that such sentences are typically commuted to life, but in the case of the ones not commuted, what's the point of the reprieve (not really a reprieve is it, more of a delay)?

The death penalty would certainly have been fair for all of these fuckers.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 31-10-2010 23:44  Profile P.M. 
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I thought I read this a while back in a physical paper.  And there was some question as to whether the girl really meant to kill herself.

I any event, it seems like China does like to publicize these kinds of stories because it supposedly builds confidence that the police are getting better and less corrupt.
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Post at 1-11-2010 01:25  Profile P.M. 
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im surprised this wasn't covered up like most things that happen in china ..
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Post at 1-11-2010 05:51  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by TheButler at 31-10-2010 21:20
The death penalty would certainly have been fair for all of these fuckers.  ...

In Oz  along with most other countries we ended the use of the death penalty 40 years. Too many innocent people end up on death row and state sanctioned murder is still murder.

Given a choice between a lifetime in a Chinese prison and a bullet, I know I'd be welcoming the latter.

Originally posted by kaleu at 31-10-2010 23:44
And there was some question as to whether the girl really meant to kill herself. ...

I don't think there can be any question of her trying to kill her self. She was simply attempting to escape from the evil police rapist.

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