You could try tying an elastic band around the base if your dick or stick a tooth pick down your peehole....
But on a serious note...
In order to last longer with a lassie...It narrows down to two factors....
Being able to control when you want to cum and being able to carry on shagging after you have cum...( Turning that sensitive painful sensation into erotic pleasure..)
Well as all the bros know...Banging a lassie furiously makes you cum faster...
( That's how working girls finish you off quickly..)
Control the momentum...When you feel yourself on the verge of exploding then.." STOP"....Pull your dick out of her and snog her or DATY...
If you are not a foreplay kind of guy then play with her titties and fanny until you are ready to carry on...( That cumming sensation fading away...)
Stopping and then carrying on does prolong you cumming....
People say that shagging slowly will make you last longer..." BOLLOCKS"...
It takes willpower and technique....Once you have master the two factors then you will be a...