Originally posted by nine2five at 20-9-2012 13:11
more expensive overall
it depends entirely how you play the game - or get played yourself
Look at it this way:
1500 to a bar girl gets you 2 hours with potentially multiple pops
compared to around 800 for a single pop in 45 minutes for an HG in an elegant hotel or 500 for a single pop in a grotty walkup room
... not such a bad deal, if you factor in the GFE and the more relaxed schedule ...
and if you're on the game, you can get a much better deal.
and I'm not really interested in buying them drinks,
you know, THEY aren't interested in the drinks either!! The girls that want the drinks are not there for sex. The girls that are there to sell sex don't want to waste their time drinking for a relatively minuscule tip - they'd rather make $1500 lying down for two hours than make $200 drinking on their feet for two hours.
Knowing that, you can make a faster selection. Don't worry, the girls that want to serve you will approach you and want to get you out of the bar ASAP.
paying for the bar fee, etc.
no bar fee in HK!!
OK you do need to buy a drink or two for yourself, to keep the bar in business - but you were going to do that anyway, right?
Maybe I'm wrong about this however so someone do shed some light on this if I am! ...
you're welcome
Playing the bar game is not for those on a tight schedule. If you only have an hour to spare, go to hotel or a walkup.
But for those who enjoy talking to girls, enjoy flirting, and have time to hang out, the bars are a great way to combine two hobbies into one - meet new friends AND get laid at a fair deal