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Post at 25-9-2010 12:43  Profile P.M. 
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14,400-year term for daughter rape

A PHILIPPINE court has sentenced a father to 14,400 years in prison after he was convicted of the near-daily rape of his teenage daughter over the course of a year.

A trial court in March 2006 condemned the man to die after he was convicted of 360 counts of rape allegedly carried out in 2001.

The Philippines repealed the death penalty. The Court of Appeals in Manila on September 8 lowered the sentence to 40 years' imprisonment for each count of rape, according to a copy of the decision obtained yesterday.

The then-13-year-old victim, now 22, said her ordeal began in January 2001, when her mother left for work in Hong Kong as a domestic helper and left her three children with their father in Los Banos, a township just south of Manila.

She said he forced her to have intercourse with him almost every day, except when she had her period or on holidays, when he would make her perform oral sex.

The ordeal only ended after she and her siblings spent a vacation with their mother's relatives. Reluctant to return to her father at the end of the vacation, she broke down and told her family about the abuse. Her mother returned home from Hong Kong and helped her file the case.

Read more: http://www.shanghaidaily.com/article/?id=450204#ixzz10Vsrnxsg

c'est le jizz
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Post at 26-9-2010 01:05  Profile P.M. 
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I've heard about this case pretty often but i never heard a 10 thousand ++ year of sentence
anyway I feel pity for the victim. She should've told somebody long time ago..
smilybob1 (gonzo)
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Post at 26-9-2010 08:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 5-htp's post

I think he should be put into general population in prison... they will know how to handle him.
Kinky King
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Post at 26-9-2010 11:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 smilybob1's post

Yeah... surely this sentance is accepting that this freak is NEVER going to be let out again, so why spend money to keep him in jail? Just put him down, either by injection, firing squad, or as bob says, let his fellow con's sort him out once and for all.

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