Subject: Why isn't there a bar mongering report section?
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Post at 21-9-2010 22:53  Profile P.M. 
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Why isn't there a bar mongering report section?

So, I've been reading this forum for over a month now, and I've been wondering why there isn't a section for bar mongering reports.
After a while, the sauna reports and HG reports are quite "formalized" with the required format, and some of us prefer to go mongering in bars.
I suppose if you end up sleeping with the girl, then you can post in the normal reports sections, but maybe you don't, right?
TonyToro's enormous thread on Best & Worst mongering bars suggests that such a section can be useful for asking questions about mongering in barsas well as reports on which bars had what kind of crowd, how many girls, whether some bros have been asked for entrance fees, etc.
I've had some incredible conversations with some girls as they have fascinating stories to tell.
Of course, such things are private to them, and we shouldn't really talk about their personal lives here, but still, we can recommend girls, bars, etc., no?
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Post at 21-9-2010 23:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 funky's post

Ummm, these reports can be included in the relevant areas.

The formailized report format you mention is all about making the reports more readable and to help make sure that the relevant information is all there. (well that's my take on it anyway...)

The biggest issue with bar girls is that they have to be working girls - there is an active discussion about what this means here - ... page%3D1&page=2  As long as that is the case, then by all means report!

Just remember that this forum is about mongering... there is no need to share detail of the stories you have heard - just that she was a nice girl who you got along with.
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Post at 22-9-2010 04:43  Profile P.M. 
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I believe most bros use this resource to look for reviews on specific girls they are interested in, or to find a reliable girl to visit.  

If a bro does a write up on a bar girl (and I have) it can be very hard to find this girl again.  They tend to have more than one bar they hang out at, and if you have ever been to some of the bars in Wan Chai you know it could be near impossible to find a particular girl even if you have her picture with you.  Also, the rates of a bar girl can vary tremendously based on a whole bunch of factors.

There are plenty of posts that talk about the relative quality of various bars, but talking about specific girls doesn't add much value.
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Post at 22-9-2010 08:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 funky's post

actually there is.... sort of...

this link leads to bar mongering information, and contains a few semi reports in it... ... &extra=page%3D1

check it out, and you are welcome to put a semi-report in there.
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Post at 22-9-2010 08:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 kaleu's post

I'm not suggesting we need a Bar report section or we dont. However I think the reports are valuable and seems, at least at the moment, a WG you pick up in a HK bar goes in the HK report section. I think there is value for these reports from this point of view.

I do the majority of my punting in bars. In particular, Hari's, Sticky Fingers and those in Wan Chai. I have picked up the same girl multiple times in the same bar, and different bars. I obviously have picked up different girls in each place as well. Here's what I notice...

Generally speaking, although bars ebb and flow with one being THE hot destination and then the "torch" being passed to another bar for a time, there is some degree of consistency with the process. In other words, I have lost count of how many girls I have picked up in Hari's but the process is quite similar each time and the step by step of that process could be helpful intel for other Bros even though the girl is different.

For example, do you have a "thing" for JGals? Dont waste your time going to Amazonia etc.

Much of that kind of intel is already in the Bar guide you refer to including Post #65 which has a price guide. However a report that describes how a Bro put that info into use, what went right and what went wrong could be very helpful even though it may be difficult to find that exact girl again.
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Post at 23-9-2010 10:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 TonyToro's post


Were you in Hari bar recently? I was there on sep 16th, and the place was rocking...It is getting to be my favourite place to punt...

beer is kinda expensive, but if you like the veriety, its a good place to go....

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Post at 23-9-2010 15:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 ulebsari's post

it's long been my fave place because I have had so much fun there. I was there in July, and will be back next month, then again in December. You'll know if I'm there... those 2 Mongolian chicks would have company...
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Post at 15-10-2010 17:52  Profile P.M. 
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Bar Punting update

Update inc price guide by nationality and service now moved to page 1 of the Bar Guide. Posts #1, #4  & #5 of that thread. (#4 & #5 are NEW Updates).

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