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Post at 13-9-2010 15:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 CunningLinguist's post

Arrrghh!!! I just saw this edit of yours

I guess when you look further, what I'm having difficulty with is that seaj confesses up (kudos to you, joe, btw) but then instead of saying like "Hey, so this is the likkle thing I'm confessing to, but I'll work on it, bros! Don't worry!", he's like "This is the flaw I'm confessing to, so you people better adjust yourselves accordingly..."

Why should I work on it??

Why should anybody "work on it??!!  You gotta be kidding - right??

That to you NOT reading some fatuous, wordy, self edifying and self serving posts is some kind of Mortal sin or capital crime!!

ROFLMAO!!!   Really!!

Edit - to add "self edifying" = guys who loves to read how wonderful his glowing and detailed own report is - to the last grunt and drop of perspiration. LOL!

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 13-9-2010 16:02 ]
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Post at 13-9-2010 16:17  Profile P.M. 
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OK - I'll go one step further!!

OK - I'll go one step further - with your line of reasoning/thought to imagine ............... Boooo!!

Are you advocating that if one is NOT capable of writing great flowing proper English with all the bells and jingles - that he should forget about posting her??  And forgeddabout it on being accepted here?

That reports must be of certain length, in great readable and proper language for it to qualify as being a "good report?"

OK OK - that IS a ridiculous train of thought.......... Ain't IT?  
Well........ you've also put words in my mouth in regards to pics - no?

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Post at 13-9-2010 18:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 SEAJ's post

No, bro. What you say in your 3 posts above about what I believe in are not correct.

I'll edit this post with a fuller response tonight when I have the time - sorry, still busy with work now. In the meantime, please read again from post #12 onwards.

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SEAJ   13-9-2010 21:23  Acceptance  +2   Eagerly await!

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Post at 13-9-2010 19:31  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by SEAJ at 12/9/10 23:00
Only seniors posting their thoughts on here.

What happened to the newbies and regular members?

Don't worry, we're still here!

I've only asked to take a picture once (and then never wrote up the corresponding report - it was a few months ago now, but I guess it's not too late...), and that was with the girl's clothes on, before she left - because it's hard to pick the moment to ask, and I feel awkward (but maybe it would all seem easier if I spoke Chinese).  Anyway, point is that I understand that pictures aren't easy to get, and are therefore worth extra Ks.

And I also understand that, if you're just looking for a bit of quick entertainment by reading the forums, then hey, why not just have a look at the pictures?

But for me, being only at RA20, I can't see many pictures, so why do I bother reading?  Two reasons - a well-written story can be entertaining.  I don't have that skill, but a lot of guys seem to, so reading can be fun, and even a turn-on.  Second reason is that this forum isn't just about entertainment.  It's information sharing.  I don't go to HK much, nor the surrounding area - I'm more interesting in Shanghai and some other cities - and there's not a lot here.  So it's valuable to read whatever I can - even a simple heads-up on what's available where and what to look out for.  At the end of the day, most of us know what sex is and we know what girls look like, but specific information about an experience in a city I might visit?  That's really valuable.

So in summary - reports without pictures are still valuabe and should be encouraged.

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SEAJ   13-9-2010 21:21  Karma  +2   Happy for u but wait till u can c pixs!L
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Post at 13-9-2010 19:53  Profile P.M. 
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as far as i know, the real pics serves the purpose of verifying the girls facial similarity versus the DB pics, that way you will know wht kind of "meat" you are being served..instead of expecting a sirloin and get a t-BONE instead.
it gives a lot of good information and yes..eye candy aswell

what bothers me sometimes are the double standards in HK/Macau/China section vs the international section
generally all the reports written in the hk/macau/china sections earn more karma's, this i understand due to the fact that this website is obviously for those in the area, hence the report values more than those in other region..but at least the one posting in international section should be given a little bit more credits for their work too..mostly i'll only see around 1-5 karma max..even with pics..unless he manage to put up an extremely explicit pics. then they might get a few extra K's from those who fancy it.

BUT..if you look at certain reports, there will always be a member/admin/guy who regardless of what he write, he will always get a crap load of karma.. so in a way i agrees with the prev. post stating that if a certain individual is close to the karma giver, they tends to get plenty of karma anyway, regardless of the quality of the reports.

i'm probably not making any sense with wht i'm writing right now hahaha... again.. just giving out my 2cent.

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SEAJ   13-9-2010 21:22  Karma  +2   Sympathies - I do know wot u mean!
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Post at 13-9-2010 22:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 CunningLinguist's post

BTW - I would really appreciate it if when you subsequently edit your post, that you would so identify how and where you've edited.

I'd read something you wrote, response to it, and then find out afterward that you'd change the tenor of your original post.  Just like fighting shadows/no fair!!

Allow me this at least?

Mucho Gracias!


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CunningLinguist   14-9-2010 01:05  Acceptance  +1   I only added paragraphs, no edits.
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Post at 14-9-2010 01:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 SEAJ's post

So, where were we...? Ah yes, the self-absorbed, long-winded writing for writing's sake type reports that you were talking about throughout your posts 20, 21, & 22... Well, we all know what those are, but they are not what I'm advocating at all (reference post #12), so I'd appreciate you engaging with me more accurately, otherwise this conversation will just go the way of your others as I tire.

So, to answer your posts in the detail you enjoy...

Post #20
ONLY report if they have pixs...........???!! Where did I say that?  I plainly said if you want  to have a better chance of getting K's then YES, please post up pictures.
~For a newbie, Ks are very important, and advice from seniors are usually taken in. You also said that in order for you to even read their posts, nevermind the Ks, that they'd better post pics with it. To me, and of course I can only speak for my reading, your post is tantamount to advicing bros to not post unless they have pics.

And I have further clarified that if one does NOT have real pictures, then there ARE other ways to embellish the report with DB pixs, links to other reports with pixs etc etc.
~When taken with your post #1 where you described how you deal with those paper clips, your comment on this point has a negative connotation, and is not read as advice on how to proceed!

You're saying its wrong for me to advise new guys what makes a report better/easier to read/enjoyable for others to look at?
~No, that is not what I'm saying! You and I agree on what makes a report better. Focus on what we're discussing!

And your advise?  Write a thousand times a thousand words - THAT's your advise - right?!!
~Yes, I want bros to report with their viewpoints on the girl and the session in general, and all the lovely info and stuff. I want to read a good, interesting report, the same way you do. "A thousand times a thousand words" was my way of saying that the text of a report tells us much more about the girl in the picture than the picture itself - you shouldn't twist it to link with the self-indulgent type of reports, and insinuate that I'm in favour of them. Anyway, again, this is not my issue with your post, so please stay focused.

Straight, to the point with the pertinent data AND anything out of the ordinary - that to me is great reporting.  Not just words for the sake of words.

If I remember correctly - was it you or some other Bros who told me in my earlier days that - Less is more?
~Cannot remember exactly, but I hazard to guess that that was with regards to your rants, not reports in general.

Post #21
Why should I work on it?? Why should anybody "work on it??!!  You gotta be kidding - right??
~You were the one that said you had something to confess. By nature, a confession is something that one sees as a flaw in one's make-up, and which by confessing one is trying to take a first step in doing something about it, no?

That to you NOT reading some fatuous, wordy, self edifying and self serving posts is some kind of Mortal sin or capital crime!!
~No, that is not what I've been saying.

Post #22
OK - I'll go one step further - with your line of reasoning/thought to imagine ............... Boooo!! Are you advocating that if one is NOT capable of writing great flowing proper English with all the bells and jingles - that he should forget about posting her??  And forgeddabout it on being accepted here?
~What do you think...? Of course not, duh!

That reports must be of certain length, in great readable and proper language for it to qualify as being a "good report?"
~You should know my answer by now.

OK OK - that IS a ridiculous train of thought.......... Ain't IT?
~Yes, it is.

Well........ you've also put words in my mouth in regards to pics - no?
~I stand by my interpretation of your post. And anyway, you don't need anyone to put words in your mouth, bro, as you regularly demonstrate, and not least in this thread.

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Post at 14-9-2010 10:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 zhouyun's post

Originally posted by zhouyun at 13/9/2010 12:05
CL, even though you says that a well written report is far more valueable..the karma given to posts with/without pics differs a lot....

Don't look at the issue too narrowly. Bro's of rank who can award K all have their own methodology when deciding how much K to give for a report. So the variance in K's you see awarded for a particular report can be wide, say from +1 to even +10, for a whole host of reasons. Not just whether a report has pics or not. But different reports of equal effort or value, whether or not they have pics, would score K quite similarly I expect. However, if what Bro SEAJ says is true, maybe more Bro's are reading reports with pics (??), and hence reports with pics would rate more highly on average. I don't know how common that is here, but don't let not having a pic stop anyone from posting if you have an experience to share.

Say for example, I often award more K to a report without a pic than with a pic, if that report contains useful information to me, or is likely to contain useful information to others, or for a new find, or the author has gone to considerable effort in composing the report. Pic posting is part of that effort, and the whole effort gets assessed when awarding the K. A pic on its own without much of a report is of little use to me, takes little effort, so I might only give it a +1. I'd expect anyone reporting on a gal in the db to include a db pic with their report, that's easy to do. If you have a real pic, even better, but don't let not having one stop you from posting! If the report is grammatically poor and it's obvious the reporter is not a native English speaker, I might even give them an extra K for trying. However if they appear to be a native English speaker and the report is grammatically or spelling weak they obviously won't get an extra K for that. I will always give an extra K or 2 to a NN's first report, and I'll make that clear in my comments. So, as you'll see, I consider a whole host of things when deciding on the K, and whether a report has a pic or not is only a small part of that. I can't speak for the other senior Bro's here, but I've a hunch they do the same and award reports of equal value or effort equally.

As for only reading reports that show the pic attachment icon, each to their own, but as a Mod I read all reports and all replies whether or not there is a pic. I will read a report with a pic as a priority, only because RA adjustment might be required. However the other Mods usually get to the stuff before me and I don't need to do much at all, except appreciate the wealth of contributions to the forum Thanks to you all for that

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Post at 14-9-2010 17:01  Profile P.M. 
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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm very verbose, so my rants usually run on for at least 1000 words. Does that count? lol

It does take a lot of effort to read rather than glance at pictures of a hot naked chick doing unspeakable things to our bros' bros. It's inevitable that pics will get more attention than words, but I always try to make my contributions worth reading.

All I need now is a tiny fiber optic sub dermal camera. lol
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Post at 14-9-2010 17:24  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by 12uronin at 14-9-2010 17:01

All I need now is a tiny fiber optic sub dermal camera. lol

You know of course that sneaky pics are not welcomed on this forum, right?

But on a more serious note, in the future when any sensible monger would equip himself with full sensory recording implants (sight, smell, touch, sound, taste), how will we be able to work out what RA to apply? It would certainly negate the need for pics and text! Hmm... better call a mod meeting to discuss this, I reckon.

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Post at 14-9-2010 22:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reading 141 is not rocket science

Reading 141 is not rocket science - at least not to me, as I do so purely for entertainment/enjoyment.

what do I enjoy - and look for first?  Pictures of course and if I like what I see, I then go and scan the report and if there seems to be something interesting to read, then  and only then will I actually read.  Heck, I've even read some reports twice if its really good or I want to catch/consolidate the info therein in my brain.

And that is ALL that I am telling guys here - and what I suppose is what a lot of other guys here do too.  

Does anybody REALLY have the time to take 141 on as some sort ot intellectual pursuit? Some sort of literary guild where the written word is pure rhapsody?  Me-thinks not!


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CunningLinguist   15-9-2010 03:40  Acceptance  +1   That's better - I agree with this post.
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 14-9-2010 23:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #27 CunningLinguist's post

~For a newbie, Ks are very important, and advice from seniors are usually taken in. You also said that in order for you to even read their posts, nevermind the Ks, that they'd better post pics with it. To me, and of course I can only speak for my reading, your post is tantamount to advicing bros to not post unless they have pics.

You really do have an over-active imagination and extension of your own wrong thought - dontcha?

~When taken with your post #1 where you described how you deal with those paper clips, your comment on this point has a negative connotation, and is not read as advice on how to proceed!

Try being postive once a while - it'll make you a happier person i/o just looking at everything negatively

~No, that is not what I'm saying! You and I agree on what makes a report better. Focus on what we're discussing!

Again!!  Crikey - NO I don't agree with you on what makes a good report.  You LOVE words and you love reading for the sake of reading. I don't and limit reading to only important/pertinent stuff. KISS - Keep It Short and Simple.

~Yes, I want bros to report with their viewpoints on the girl and the session in general, and all the lovely info and stuff. I want to read a good, interesting report, the same way you do. "A thousand times a thousand words" was my way of saying that the text of a report tells us much more about the girl in the picture than the picture itself - you shouldn't twist it to link with the self-indulgent type of reports, and insinuate that I'm in favour of them. Anyway, again, this is not my issue with your post, so please stay focused.

BINGO!! What YOU want, What you love, What you advocate AND WORSE, as a MOD what you are now telling guys here to do.  Write long flowery reports, don't worry about pictures, don't worry about getting karmas - the reward is the process of writing itself.  What B.S. (pardon my French).  And what's with this "stay focused nonsense you keep on throwing around - what - only YOU have the mastery and capacity of staying in focus?


OH WOW - Thanks, Mucho Gracias, Terima Kasih, Xie Xie, Dankje!!

~Cannot remember exactly, but I hazard to guess that that was with regards to your rants, not reports in general.

WHAT??? You mean you actually do NOT like my flowery, long rambling rants?  Hmmmm.... and here I was hoping you of all people here would have appreciated it!!  LOL!

~You were the one that said you had something to confess. By nature, a confession is something that one sees as a flaw in one's make-up, and which by confessing one is trying to take a first step in doing something about it, no?


~No, that is not what I've been saying.

Then WHAT were you saying?

~What do you think...? Of course not, duh!

That reports must be of certain length, in great readable and proper language for it to qualify as being a "good report?"
~You should know my answer by now.

~Yes, it is.

~I stand by my interpretation of your post. And anyway, you don't need anyone to put words in your mouth, bro, as you regularly demonstrate, and not least in this thread.

LOL, ROFLMAO, Whoop dee doo!!

Lets just agree to disagree - you can write and I think I once a while can too.  Otherwise you and I - we both ain't gonna get any sleep

sp. edits

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 14-9-2010 23:18 ]
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Post at 15-9-2010 03:52  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by SEAJ at 14-9-2010 22:57

Does anybody REALLY have the time to take 141 on as some sort ot intellectual pursuit? Some sort of literary guild where the written word is pure rhapsody?  Me-thinks not!

You were doing so well with your post #31, until that last bit... I assume you're still fixating on the accusation that I "take 141 on as some sort of intellectual pursuit... Some sort of literary guild where the written word is pure rhapsody". Well, that's not me, and I don't appreciate the accusation, especially seeing as it's something you twisted out of my replies as something to counter my stance with.

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SEAJ   15-9-2010 21:21  Acceptance  +20   WelcomeBack to the fold-fixate on Pixs!!

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Post at 15-9-2010 03:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #32 SEAJ's post

Trying to engage with you is always so damn tiresome because you twist and manipulate, and quote selectively, which creates an image of me.

I asked for focus because I was seeing you going off on all tangents and not accepting that we actually agree on all but one thing (my interpretation of your 1st post). Now it may be a very different wiring of our logic circuits, or it could be ego, or that I'm just failing to express myself clearly, but yes ok, I can move on.

BTW, I didn't get any Ks or As from you for quite a few of my posts in this thread... So unfair, LOL!

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SEAJ   15-9-2010 21:17  Karma  +5   Now ain't this better?? LOL!
SEAJ   15-9-2010 21:17  Acceptance  +20   Now ain't this better?? LOL!

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Post at 15-9-2010 07:18  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by SEAJ at 14/9/10 22:57
Reading 141 is not rocket science - at least not to me, as I do so purely for entertainment/enjoyment.

That's understandable, but like I wrote earlier - some of us want to learn something, too.  Ok, sure, the only reason for trying to get info from the forums is to be able to get plenty of entertainment/enjoyment (and a lot more fun than looking at pictures) later...

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CunningLinguist   16-9-2010 09:57  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for posting.
SEAJ   15-9-2010 21:23  Karma  +1   U done learnin? Now wheres' the pussy!
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Post at 15-9-2010 22:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SEAJ's post

I read your post and thought that you only wanted us to post reports with real pics and not bother posting reports without.
As a newbie I was discouraged at first to not write anymore reports until I get some of these sought after real pics.
But then I thought this forum isnt just about pics, its about the sharing of information, whether written word or pictures.
Alot of hidden nuggets of information lie within some reports that look so plain and simple without pics, and you are just missing out if you only look at pics.
I agree that it takes a considerable amount of time to sift through all the reports, but well worth it. For example did you know about the McDonalds around the corner from the Ladies Market in Mong Kok which has a big door at the back of the dining room, opens up to a corridor, walk up one flight of stairs: fake merchandise. Walk down one flight of stairs: brothel. Taken from reply #7 ... &extra=page%3D1
If you dont take the time to read then you miss out on these and other nuggets of information which are worth more than Karma's.

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CunningLinguist   16-9-2010 10:03  Acceptance  +1   That is a nugget - LOL!
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Post at 16-9-2010 06:27  Profile P.M. 
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When writing reports I usually try to add a picture whether from the girls website or when lucky a real pic.

I try to write about the experience around the actual acts enjoyed. Yes each specific act can be repetetive in description but the enthusiasm, or lack of, of the girl concerned can be the make or break of the session.

For me I will generally skim read through any report to find out whether:

a) There is anything about the experience, out of the ordinary, funny, exceptional.
b) There is a horror story to empathise with / avoid.
c) The style of the witing makes me enjoy the report.
d) if I am likely to be local to that girl and might be interested in trying her.

If there is a pic real or website / database it helps visualise the report but it is not absolutely neccessary.

The other thing that will make me read a report is if the title tells me if the report's rating of the girl is very good or very bad.

A very good report makes me jealous wherever it is from. A very bad report is chance to feel sympathy either for the punter or the girl (sometimes).

I'd rather someone reported without pics than didn't report at all.

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