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Post at 3-8-2010 11:24  Profile P.M. 
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pulling weight

Hard to make many reports if one does not live in HK.
Sad to see Goose has restricted his reports.
Oh well WTF
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Post at 3-8-2010 12:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bearcat's post

You can report from wherever you are and post in the international section. I do this on my travels so not being in HK is not an excuse. You want to see the pictures and restricted reports, then contribute.
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Post at 3-8-2010 13:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bearcat's post

Where in the world are you bro? I'm sure theres punting to be had anywhere in the world!

But then if you're not in hk, not being able to see real pics of the WGs in hk can't be that much of a disappointment.

I see you're CC as well so theres plenty of reports (inc. mine) to salivate too, not such a big loss right?
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Post at 5-8-2010 02:14  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bearcat at 3-8-2010 11:24
Hard to make many reports if one does not live in HK.

Why do you say that bro......

You can always submit write reports on your own experiences from the country which you reside in.....As bro Geoduck stated...That is why the International section is there....

RICO lives in the UK but have still manage to gain a higher RA....

Participation and contribution is the key to advancement...

Sad to see Goose has restricted his reports.
Oh well WTF

Ahhh...The famous Goose reports....

Well since he has now put an higher RA on his reports......I think it is an incentive for you to get your arse moving bro....

[ Last edited by  Rico at 5-8-2010 08:15 ]
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 5-8-2010 05:40  Profile P.M. 
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The main problem for me at the moment is a chronic lack of funds with which to satisfy my punting cravings.

I find the community enjoyable though so continue to participate.

I do try however to limit myself to contribute only when I feel I have something worthwhile to say.

This forum is a group of likeminded people sharing and discussing a common interest.

Contribute with integrity and stop worrying about whether others have higher privileges than yourself.

Steps off his soapbox.

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