Finally!! I did it and with flying colours. I even manage to cum in her hole.
We both had some WxxD. Get down to the intense sex.
After I gave her 1st orgasm, I was ready to go for my trophy.
Had her in mish position. Rub lots of lube on her outer anus, then poke in my middle finger. She stopped me and explained my finger nails might injure her anus.
She requested me just proceed to insert my dick in.
Lube all over my dick, pushed in slowly. It hurts her and she was screaming. Continue to put on more lube on my dckhead. This time I was able to push the whole dickhead in. I stopped and let her muscle adapt to the congestion. I was not able to went further in. I pulled out and put on more lube.
She asked me to go doggy and it seems mish position was not as comfy as I thought.
I can see her more relax now, it was much easier from the rear, with the first try.
I started humping her slowly, not too deep and half cock in.
She started to scream louder and she felt her outer anus area irritating and something huge blocking her rectum.
So, I went in all the way, full cock penetration while humping her mildly. I learned this from my ex-GF who explained that it hurt less if hump her deeper into the rectum than trying to be gentle at the outer anus rim becos the inner anus is more elastic than the outer anus.
After more than > 20 strokes, she screamed out loud and shouted at me to cum faster as she felt itchy + suffocate in her inner anus.
I cum and pulled out slowly. Not only her, my dick hurts as well, must be too tight and I force cum myself too fast.
Surprisingly, no sign of chocolate or smell. I think it was the lube, I was using so much of the aloe water based lubricant and it must had covered the smell.
Here;s some extra gists:
1) Use lots of lube everytime before you re-enter. (I have another observation, more lube helps to cover up the smell)
2) Humping the outer anus is more irritating to the gal. Once your dick is in, work your way deeper into the rectum. Hump gently and try to keep your dick head in the same area. She will hurt less.
3) I still think dodgy anal is more comfy to the gal than mish anal. (maybe diff to each gal).
4) Finally, Anal is good for constipation (last she went to the toilet was 3 days ago). Must be lube, slipperyyyyyyyyyy.........
Second nite, it was a no no, still hurt....