Subject: Can YOU match the NIPPLES to their owner? THE NIPPLE QUIZ - 1st Prize 50 K's!
smilybob1 (gonzo)
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Post at 31-5-2010 20:03  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks Tony but I don't think I was in first with the answers . I think TH was answered first in with 6/8 and CL was second.I think I was third
in with 6/8. I hope you do your own audit.
smilybob1 (gonzo)
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Post at 31-5-2010 20:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #35 Thai-delight's post

So Hunter if you have seen Maria in person, up close   can we get a review   Please..
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Post at 31-5-2010 23:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #41 smilybob1's post

Ah, you're right.  I am first
Anyway, I'll let you share with my winnings for being a good sport - you can have an extra 10K and give DBhk 5K for participating and coming so close.  
tt: That leaves me with "35" but "acceptance" is okay for me (no need for K). Cheers.  

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DaBestHK   1-6-2010 08:57  Acceptance  +5   awright!
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Post at 1-6-2010 01:24  Profile P.M. 
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so who;s the winner?


Please summarise the karmas reward I should give to the respective bros.


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Post at 1-6-2010 17:38  Profile P.M. 
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Audited Results

The Audited Results are in:

1st TD 6/8
2nd CL 6/8
3rd SmilyBob 6/8
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Post at 1-6-2010 17:41  Profile P.M. 
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In Last Place...

well done for having a go Bro!

cpstunnaz  0/8
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Post at 1-6-2010 21:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #45 TonyToro's post

Ok...winner goes to SmilyBob..1 winner only this week.

Mods..stay out. Go earn your Ks somewhere.

The participation this week was not encouraging.
Maybe too much confusion about entry karma fee and neg K to wrong answer from all the unfruitful discussion / suggestion.

Next Quiz coming soon .... more karmas award.

This time let the quiz master set the rules. Do not intervene.
Let the poster have the ownership to his own Quiz..

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Thai-delight   1-6-2010 21:26  Karma  -2   Yes sir ... not interference!!!

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Post at 1-6-2010 21:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #47 hunter's post

Nah, most were just bored with having it three weeks in a row.  There's gonna be more K?  What's gonna be the next prize: 75K???  Sounds a bit strange to be honest with so few people playing.
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Post at 1-6-2010 21:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #48 Thai-delight's post

Why do you care since u think it is boring?

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Post at 1-6-2010 22:13  Profile P.M. 
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Man I forgot to log on and do this. I think the way I was going I would have gotten 4 or 5... here's to the next one.
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Post at 1-6-2010 22:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #46 TonyToro's post

Sorry TT for allowing my differences with hunter to spill over into this thread.  Keep up your good work as I enjoy your posts.  
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Post at 2-6-2010 04:29  Profile P.M. 
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My theory on why this quiz and the previous one on matching pussies were not as popular as the first one on ladyboys is not that it was tiring to have consecutive quizzes, nor that the undecipherable award system introduced made it too confusing or dangerous to take a stab, but that they were simply not as engaging as the first one, and that bros felt less chance of getting a good score since they involved less perceived skill.

It's all just a bit of variety and fun, so let's not make it more complicated than it needs to be. Honestly speaking, I reckon no one really cares what the K award is as long as they enjoy doing the quiz. IMO, most participants want the acclaim of getting a good score a lot more than the K points, and that not having any award probably wouldn't affect the level of participation if the quiz was interesting and fun enough.

Can we try one that's simpler, without big K awards or complicated ticketing/betting systems making the waters murky?

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Post at 2-6-2010 07:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #52 CunningLinguist's post

Maybe the content of the quiz was less interesting, I accept that is possible. Fair call.  However, I think the discussion about rules and penalties early on in the thread confused people. Next quiz in a few week's time with a subject that is hopefully a little more interesting...

In reference to K's awarded... 50K's is probably no big deal for a Bro with 5,000+ K's already. But to a Bro with 200K's, or 450 K's, it's a huge deal IMO.
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Post at 2-6-2010 09:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #48 Thai-delight's post

I forgot to play last week!  Really had wanted to give a better showing than I had with the first weeks' match the face and pussy.  I'm not bored with these game, I like them and they provide good entertainment for me while browsing 141.

Congrats to you and the other bros who got 6/8!
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Post at 2-6-2010 09:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #53 TonyToro's post

50K ... no participation, yet the ladyboy one had a lot of participation and was 10K award, so what CL has some merit.  To say the brotherhood was confused by the penalties is insulting their intelligence.  It didn't confuse you nor did it confuse geoduck and I would assume many others:

Originally posted by TonyToro at 26-5-2010 12:55
Perhaps the solution is, in a couple of weeks we do another Quiz that incorporates these suggestions including the fact that each entry "costs" you an agreed number of "K's". That sounds like fun and simply neg'ing someone 2K's for example is relatively easy to do, anyone can do it, it is obvious to see whether an entry has been neg'd already or not.

Maybe discussion about the rules can be done in the Poll section where there us discussion about what future quiz topics could be interesting. I do think the suggestions such as trading K's for an entry and possible reward are excellent and think it would be fun to include.

Interest is what's going to attract.  Big Karma award is not the main determining factor. Also, telling certain people to "stay out" won't either, since I think the brotherhood (except hunter) would like to see everybody participating - even if the prize is eventually not given to those mods. Encourage everybody to participate and have fun, like you did at the end of post #22 (which is why I decided to lodge an entry), and like CL said, keep it simple with a small K prize.   A quiz shouldn't be seen as a way of making a significant jump to that next level.  If people want to get to that significant jump to that next level, there are much better ways of doing it than a 50-point hunter Karma boost.  It should be fun, with little risk, little focus on the prize (apart from being the victor) and everybody should have a stab.  However, if a lot of K is going to be up for grabs, than there should be an entry fee, as high return should carry some risk.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 2-6-2010 10:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #55 Thai-delight's post

You karma whore now?

I rather give reward to fellow members and intangible recognition to mods.
Why do Mod want the karmas for?

Just let the original poster(s) introducing their game/rules.
Mods should learn to stay out and mind their own business once in a while. Dont get involve with every little tiny matters that has no significant implication to the forum ebbs and flows.

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Post at 2-6-2010 10:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #56 hunter's post

I know you have trouble with English at the best of times, so perhaps you misread something.  The K is insignificant, which is why I say the focus should not be on the karma.  By your "karma whore" comment, it seems that you are trying to attract karma whores by luring them with big prizes.  You really do confuse me sometimes.  Your priorities are totally out of whack.  Anyway, for the next round, why don't you get a certain relative involved?  This may be one way for him to read higher level stuff.  More legitimate too.  
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Post at 2-6-2010 10:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #57 Thai-delight's post

Yeah but you are the one bitching about the karma.

Nobody give a rat ass bout karmas award to boost up their level in this quiz contest. Nobody mentioned it but you. The karma reward is just for "FUN", some encouragement.

I do not disagree you are expert in English, but you must not disagree that you do not get the point here at all, i.e. mind your own business !!

Whatever u read or interpret, you keep on missing the point.  Stop butting in and let the forum flow on its own, not by using your moderator influence.

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Post at 2-6-2010 10:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #58 hunter's post

We are just headbutting each other in the nuts.  Nothing is going to change your thinking.  Nothing is going to change mine.  Let's just leave it at that and move on, alright?

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