Subject: HG rules/policies
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Post at 21-3-2010 01:37  Profile P.M. 
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HG rules/policies


I've searched the forums and also looked at the various newbie guides, but couldn't find an answer to a question I had regarding hotel girls. I hope this isn't a stupid question but as I'm completely new to all this, please bear with me.

So after you've made a booking with a hotel girl, once you meet the girl and she turns out to be nothing like what you expected or saw on 141, do you have the right to just leave? Would that get you into any trouble with the papasan/mamasan or the girl? Common sense tells me that the girl and the pimp would most likely be pissed off in this case, but would there be any negative consequences to deal with other than pissing them off?

[ Last edited by  barney.winkel at 21-3-2010 01:40 ]
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Post at 21-3-2010 02:21  Profile P.M. 
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In general, it's accepted that you can turn down and leave if you don't like the girl for any reason.

Do it too often, and you might get blacklisted.

I don't think the pimp would risk his business by doing anything worse to you than simply blacklisting you / refusing to take you next time. Of course, we are dealing with an illegal enterprise to begin with, so anything "could" happen. But I think they're running a business, and they won't get too upset if you don't like the merchandise when presented, especially since you're the one coming to her and not the other way around.

And the preponderance of blatant misadvertising and bait and switch is because the pimps figure that once the customer is horny enough to show up, he's too horny to leave, even if the girl is totally different from what's promised. Age old operating practice, as old as prostitution itself. You're doing us all a favor by leaving when the merchandise isn't as promised.
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Post at 21-3-2010 08:16  Profile P.M. 
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As mentioned in the earlier reply, bait and switch is common practice and you do of course have the option to walk away. However, if you do decide to walk away, then write a brief report telling your fellow bro's the reasons why. If it's a bait and switch and you decide to stay, still write a report and try and take a couple of pic's.

Keep on mongering....
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Post at 21-3-2010 08:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 barney.winkel's post

A lot of reports include reference to the gal asking the punter is she's OK. This is pretty much the time for you to make your decision, keeping in mind that when this question is asked you both have your clothes on. There might have been some kissing and hugging, but this is part of the gal's effort to make you say 'yes' when she asks 'OK?'. Once you've replied in the affirmative, I think you might have more difficulty in backing out as you've accepted her.
As other bros have said, there is unlikely to be drastic action if you say no when she asks you if she's OK. Unless you and the agent have a serious language barrier you can always call and complain and don't be too worried about the gal as they have pretty thick skin and are used to being subjected to the approval process. In most cases the agent will send you to another room to check out other gals if he has them or maybe tell you to wait in the room with the gal while he sends you some other choices.  The gal has usually been told to tell you that she is the gal you have requested and somehow they will be punished if they don't go along with the B&S so you can't really blame her. When I first started going to HGs I felt a little bad for the gals, but knowing they are part of the scam makes it easier to stand firm.
I was told that in many cases the B&S ploy is used to spread the work a little among the gals as some of them get very few bookings and others are popular, hence the concept of Baiting and then Switching.

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Avatar   21-3-2010 09:38  Acceptance  +3   Nice detailed reply.
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Post at 21-3-2010 21:35  Profile P.M. 
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The negative conequence, for me, is I've wasted my time if I turn down the B&S girl.  And most of us don't have several hours to spend on this hobby just to come up empty.  Not to mention I've put myself at a small risk by being in the hotel room in the first place.  I always think it's better to go through with it and practice your adaptability skills.

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