NYC has cleaned up too much. Strip clubs there used to be really nasty. Anybody remember the old Harmony Theatre? Nasty, plywood stage for stripping and the girls giving the lap dances would reach into your pantsand jerk you off right there.
The bathroom there was truly foul, the toilet perpetually plugged up with condoms and the place probably hadn't seen a janitor in years. Anyway, it's gone now.
Then there used to be some underground places like the Blue Angel that was a mix of burlesque, strip and lesbian sex shows. Drew Barrymore stripped there once on a dare and the regular lap dancers would either makeyou keep your hands to yourself or practically blow you on the public sofa! You never knew what you were going to get.
Now it seems like the only stuff left is Deja Vu corporation strip clubs (big prices, little action, total formula).