Subject: Photoshoped eyes
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Post at 1-3-2010 20:33  Profile P.M. 
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Photoshoped eyes

Hi guys,

I'm new to this forum, so don't go off at me if this has been discusses heaps(im sorry).
I did a search for "hotoshop eyes" and came up with 0 hits.

I've just been recommended this site from another friend and been looking around for a couple hrs now.
I've notice alot of the girls with hotel reservation have similar eyes.
are the girls or the people posting the images photo-shopping the eyes to make them look better,more attractive or to protect their identity?

or is it all in my head and I'm just imagining it all?

maybe I'm going cross-eye from looking at some many hotties
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Post at 1-3-2010 20:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 reloader's post

Most of the girls are photoshopped (PSed) is some way or another in their DB pix. In some cases it might be some simple clean up of the skin, but in other cases there is digital plastic surgery that goes on (redone noses, reshaped faces, etc.). Some girls' eyes are PSed, as well, but they may also likely wear colored contacts during the photo shoot. I think I remember only reading one report where the girl was wearing the colored contacts during a session.

This is why it's so important to get real pix when you punt with HG's so we know their real looks and can prevent a B&S when possible.

So, you are seeing PS done on the DB pix, but I'm sure you are going cross-eyed, as well, due to all the hotties on the DB!
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Post at 1-3-2010 20:57  Profile P.M. 
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Photoshop is an impressive tool that can be used for almost anything.

The most common eye techique is nothing more than making sure that the whites are white (and clear) and that the darker parts are well shaped and clear as well.   That is pretty common things to do.

The sky is the limit though, it's just a question of time and effort.  Changing the shape of the eye is possible, either subtle changes (just making the whole eye large) or actually making it rounder and clearer.   Some overdo it to the point that the girls look like dolls rather than humans.

Expanding chest size is one of the easier things to do, as is getting rid of fat, marks, cellulite, and other things like that.  Anything from minor touchups to a complete redo are possible.  It is only a question of time.

It is the reason that real girl pictures are very valuable in the reports, as they show the girls not as photoshop dolls but as the real thing you will see when you to the door.  It makes all the difference.

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