Originally posted by venetiangirls at 24-1-2010 03:18
before I go any further with her, ie say marriage, the living situation will be that we will be living together first for several months and know her before taking the plunge. That I have already thou ...
THAT is very wise!
That old saw about absence makes the heart grow fonder etc ... is very true/correct.
I go and see a few regulars in China - and everytime I see one of them - it's great!! Never a dull moment!!
Now.... compare that with the experience of most guys who's married/lving together with their ONE!
Yes it WAS great and exciting when one is courting etc. Move in together or get married - how long before this feeling of being constricted start? Why HER problems becomes so much more important than yours?? Or even the only thing that matters? Or why.... you get my drift.
Yes, go ahead and live with her for a while - and then come back here and let's discuss it all again.
After you get left wondering who that phone call, when she was all friendly, was from, when she's on the rag - and also refuse to blow you - when she embarrasses you in front of your friends slurping her soup and spitting her bones on the table - when you really wonder if hygiene/manners/normalcy/even common sense ARE that much different from what you thought was a given.