Subject: do your looks affect your mongering sessions?
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Post at 3-9-2009 08:39  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Lenny at 3-9-2009 03:09

And I suppose you always believe what they tell you? Or maybe just when they tell you what you want to hear? But, oh yeah, isn't that part of their job? I truly cannot understand why anyone would ev ...

For you it's probably true, for others maybe not. Not everyone is lke you.
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Post at 3-9-2009 21:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 Marsupial's post

I wasn't disagreeing with what you wrote - it's a proven fact that better looking men and women have an advantage in all walks of life, so why should mongering be any different. But please don't base your arguments on what WGs tell you. As I've read on this forum before - some older guys say that WGs have told them they prefer older guys. A fat guy recently wrote that WGs tell his he's cute. I'm sure there's an old, ugly guy out there who's been told by a WG that she doesn't like young, handsome guys because .... whatever. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't really believe much that a WG says. Maybe I'm wrong and these are all honest, truthful girls, but I don't think so.

If you read it again, you'll find my entire post was about what WGs say - it was you who took that to me I was disagreeing with you when I wasn't. Please don't put words in my mouth.

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Post at 3-9-2009 21:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 superfish168's post

Of course not everyone is like me. Some people believe everything a WG tells him. Do you?

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Post at 3-9-2009 23:02  Profile P.M. 
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Slightly OT, but related.

I would like to add that I read somewhere that odor is important.  If you smell bad or have bad breath, it is the top turn off of any WG.  Many of them don't mind ugly people, fat people, small penis, etc...but accrd to the article odor maters
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Post at 4-9-2009 05:23  Profile P.M. 
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I agree with the odor.  Especially for those who are a bit obese, either from genetics, eating habits, or from age.  There is a specific odor that even other men can tell, not to mention WGs.
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Post at 5-9-2009 12:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #25 sex1's post

Not all obese people smell.  I'm 220 pounds ... and I don't have bad odour or bad breath.  I've seen some thin and bones men on the MTR smell like shit ... I don't think odour and obese go hand and hand to be fair
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Post at 6-9-2009 00:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #26 wazzy88's post

No offence, but I've often wondered how fat guys have sex with skinny little Chinese girls. I mean, even if you're resting on your elbows, it must still be a LOT of weight bearing down on the girl. Do they ever complain?

I've played a lot of rugby so I know what it's like to have a 220 pound guy lying on me

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Post at 6-9-2009 00:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #27 Lenny's post

I sure hope they weren't trying to hump you ....
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Post at 6-9-2009 12:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #27 Lenny's post

no offense taken ... in the missionary position ... all the weight is taken up on your lower legs ... which means that not all the weight is ditributed onto the girls body ...

plus ... you have other options ... doggy ... cow girl ... let her do the work bro !!!

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Post at 7-9-2009 09:36  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Lenny at 6-9-2009 00:11
No offence, but I've often wondered how fat guys have sex with skinny little Chinese girls. I mean, even if you're resting on your elbows, it must still be a LOT of weight bearing down on the girl. ..... I've played a lot of rugby so I know what it's like to have a 220 pound guy lying on me Do ...

In rugby you might have two or three 200 pound guys lying on top you ... it's the eye gouging, sneaky testicle squeeze, and biting that's the bitch.

If you are big the elbows are probably not enough, get up on your arms, sort of like a push up. Also get the girl to put a pillow under her arse to make her more prominent where you want the weight to bear down (this is actually more comfortable for the girl). Having your arm pushing at least one of the girl's legs forward makes holding this position easier.
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Post at 9-9-2009 12:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #18 Lenny's post

I drink to that bro Lenny.

WG is trained and skillful sweet talker.

If u know you are good looking, a WG tells u are a stud, then you can take that as compliment.

But if you well know u are the opposite, WG tells the same good shit about you being great looking.
Do you actually buy that shit?

I always admit to WGs that I am a fat mid 30's dude, all WGs replied the same old line "you just tough, tall and mid 30's are still so young, I like meaty and older guy, secure and reliable: ..........I tell em shuddup!!!!

or the classic one, "Oh! your dick is so big!!!"
or  "No, not small at all, above average size for chinese standard!!!"
Yeah right .......

Try KTV gals, if you are not a skeptical person, u will think u are a the gal, you are just a tool.

Personally, I always remind myself that what WG tells you is always the half truth, 50/50 or less. Dont fall for it......

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Post at 12-9-2009 01:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #31 hunter's post

I find it odd that anyone should be concerned about the truthfulness of WGs. You're there to fuck, not look for enlightenment. In any case, everybody lies - WGs hardly have a monopoly on bullshit.

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Post at 12-9-2009 10:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #31 hunter's post

I dunno, alot of WGs tell me it bloody well hurts to have such a long penis as it stabs them between the ovaries ,you can actually feel a tad more resistance to get the last few inches in...

UK Gf's tell me the same thing and not to go so deep.

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Post at 12-9-2009 22:38  Profile P.M. 
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I personally think looks do factor into the performance of the WG...good looks can be a double edged sword in my opinion.  Bad looks might not be so bad either.  If a guy has super good looks like Brad Pitt, the WG might feel self-aware of her own profession (specially the young ones new to the job) and their performance suffers as a result.  On the other hand, if the customer their serving is just a plain looking guy, the job is done so much easier and performance may rise.  I've personally experienced both sides of the spectrum...
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Post at 12-9-2009 22:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bakamon at 12-9-2009 22:38
I've personally experienced both sides of the spectrum......

Don't really unsderstand that
You mean sometimes you're good looking and sometimes not?

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Post at 16-9-2009 18:20  Profile P.M. 
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Once I was chatting to a WG, she told me she would not open the door if the client was too ugly and for better looking clients she would take a more relaxed pace. Another one told me if it was a foreigner she would not open the door. So looks do affect (and may prevent) mongering sessions.
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Post at 16-9-2009 23:41  Profile P.M. 
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couple days ago, knocked on the door of a massage WG. I asked her if she offered massage+FS. She said she doesn't offer FS, massage only. She then gave me a slutty look, eyed me from head to toe, then said something along the lines "since you're so good looking I'll offer you FS". The sex was great, she orgasmed very quickly because she told me afterwards that she hasn't had sex for a long time. The massage+FS rate in that area was $500, but I managed to get a $50 dollar discount off her.

[ Last edited by  superfish168 at 17-9-2009 01:43 ]

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Post at 17-9-2009 11:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #37 superfish168's post

Hahahahaha; hey bro I've got a antique Rolex watch - it's a family heirloom and I woudn't normally dream of selling it but because I like the way you write I'll make an exception and you can have it for $10,000. PM me and we'll make the arrangements. I'll even give you a discount of $100.

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Post at 17-9-2009 11:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #38 Lenny's post

don't like rolex, got another brand?
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Post at 17-9-2009 12:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #38 Lenny's post

I didn't ask for the $50 discount, she gave it to me cause I lied and told her that I was unemployed, so she pitied me.

So all you WG's out there reading this, like Lenny said "don't believe everything a WG says", don't believe everything a punter says.

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