hm...should you be worried about swine flu?
answer....not really.
here let me put this into perspective....
SARS had a case fatality rate of 9.6% of the 8096 cases of infection there were 774 deaths.
while swine flue (official name newH1N1) has a case fatality rate of under 0.9%, of 239,550 reported cases, 2256 fatalities were reported.
The reason swine flu is a pandemic is because of its spread, not serverity.
so while i don't recommend you run around licking toilet bowls, you shouldn't worry about it more than any other
flu virus.
oh, to put this into another perspective that is more relevant to this forum
condom failure: Causes of failure (wikipedia)
Condoms may slip off the penis after ejaculation, break due to improper application or physical damage (such as tears caused when opening the package), or break or slip due to latex degradation (typically from usage past the expiration date, improper storage, or exposure to oils). The rate of breakage is between 0.4% and 2.3%, while the rate of slippage is between 0.6% and 1.3%. Even if no breakage or slippage is observed, 1–2% of women will test positive for semen residue after intercourse with a condom. "Double bagging," using two condoms at once, also increases the risk of condom failure. you are safer from the swine flu than you are from WGs