Subject: [Shenzhen] Felicity Hotel spa
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 17-1-2025 00:25  Profile P.M. 
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[Shenzhen] Felicity Hotel spa

Place: Felicity Hotel or 福临大酒店 or Fu Lin Da Jiu Dian, 3P floor
Location: Luohu, near Luowu station
Date: Jan 16 ~10:30pm
Name: 1111
Age: mid 30’s?
Face: 3/5 maybe? (it was dark)
Body: 3/5 but too flabby for me
Boobs: 33B but saggy
Price: 519/hr for HE massage + shower fee tips
Repeat: no

Was in SZ and had an evening free. After reading some posts, decided to try this spa out for first time. Didn’t go well from the start. I took the metro and got off at Luobu, but I think due to construction, there was no direct way to get to the hotel. I needed to walk ALL the way around the train station. No exaggeration, it was probably a 30 minute walk. Sigh. Then went to wrong floor - it’s 3P, not 3 - so pay attention. Finally got there and was pretty tired/it has gotten late. Got into the locker room, and as others have commented, it’s definitely weird. The guy that works there will watch you undress and take every piece of clothing and put it into the locker for you. Then he escorts you to the shower (he thankfully doesn’t watch that) and then escorts you out of the locker.

I go into the next room full of massage chairs. The host comes over and takes my drink order and a portly middle aged woman comes over to give me a foot rub. I pass and say to just take me straight to the room. He obliges and I wait a couple of minutes for a girl. It’s dark and hard to make her out but she looks a bit older and chubbier than I like. I think about sending her back, but it’s late and I want to get things on the road so say it’s fine. She notes my number on the wristband they gave me and punches it into the phone on the wall. She then says she’ll be right back and leaves for another couple of minutes. Comes back and we’re finally ready to get the show on the road. Takes off my shirt and I lay on my back. She puts a towel over me and proceeds to give me the worst massage ever. It was all knobly elbows with very light pressure on my back and shoulders. After 5 minutes, I tell her no more of that.

Finally to the main event. She takes off her black trousers and top, puts on a miniskirt and takes off my pants. This seems promising. She starts by lightly running her fingernails along my butt and nether regions. I won’t lie - it felt pretty good and got LB to start waking up a bit. She then starts rubbing her boobs on my back and moaning fakely. Didn’t care for the moans but the boobs felt nice. She worked around my back, butt, and neck. She kissed my back and neck and ears as well - all the while moaning. Not amazing but enjoyable. While she’s doing that, I roam my hands where I can - on her legs, thighs, and up around her crotch. She was wearing some big nurses underwear and every time I tried to get to LS, she would strategically move to avoid it. She then tells me to flip over. She does a lot of nipple licking and moaning. She puts her crotch on my thigh and dry humps me while licking around my nips. Eventually, she does downstairs. She does some kissing on the spots between my balls and my legs. Then she starts to lick my balls a little bit, then sucked my balls a bit. But she never gave a BJ. She asks if I have time to play longer or if I’m in a rush. I tell her I’m in a rush. She says ok and grabs the lube. She covers LB and siddles up next to me. She puts my hand on her nipple and she licks my nipple while moaning and tugging my very quickly. Probably took less 10 seconds for me to

She cleans me up and I’m on my way. I get back to the locker room and the weird guy escorts me to the shower and then hands me back all of my things and watches me dress. He then puts on the hard sell for a tip. This was super awkward and caught me off guard. I felt pressured to tip him and had no idea what was appropriate. I ended up giving him 50 RMB - but honestly would have given him more to have just left me alone the whole time.

All in all, I would not go back to 1111 but may try the place again to see if I could find a hotter girl in the future.

Recent Ratings
jamesbinstrate   18-1-2025 06:44  Acceptance  +1   can you teach me how to post, i can't figure it out..
LittleWing   17-1-2025 05:13  Karma  +4   Thanks for the detailed report!

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