Subject: HK JSL Nina Malaysian
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Post at 5-12-2024 15:32  Profile P.M. 
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HK JSL Nina Malaysian

Date & Time of Session:  2pm, 5/12/2024
Location:  JSL, HK, 6F
Name:  Nina (?)
Link: N/a
Agent: N/a
Nationality & Language: Malaysian (claimed), spoke in English and Cantonese
Age: 25
Face:  2/5
Body: 3/5
Height:  5'9ish without heels
Skill: 2/5
Service: 1/5
GFE: 1/5
PSE: 1/5
Price & Session Length:  $1700 HKD, 30 minutes
Repeat: No, absolutely not

Actually spotted Nina yesterday when out on an early punt. Had a brilliant smile, so decided to make time today before I fly off to give her a go. Always wanted to have sex with a girl taller, so what the heck.

So I popped in around 2pm, and thankfully (or not as I found out) she was free so I hopped on in. Asked before entering how much and she said 600. All good so far.

She points to a price list, telling me to take my clothes off and points towards the shower without getting in with me. First red flag. I get out and she points towards the price list. 800 for full service. Annoying it wasn't 600 as she said, but fine, she had a sign saying 600 minimum. In hindsight, seems like fraudulent advertising when your lowest charge is 800. I also ask to turn the lights on as I like to see. She says no.

Anyway, I had 700 on me which I handed to her before I give up trying to find the 100 so I just WeChat her the money. I assumed she would hand the cash back to me. Big mistake. I told her 800 only and she says fine, I'll gift you a blowjob and kiss for free. I'm sceptical and insist just 800 and she confirms this.

So we get down to it and I ask her to take her clothes off so we can start, she doesn't and instead massages me. At this point I'm confused. Then she tells me to flip over and starts blowing me and a kiss. At this point I'm wtfing as I already told her no, and the only things said about it were that she'd gift those to me even though I said no. Anyway, it was all a blur and I blow my load.

At this point she asks for another 200 on top of the 800 (1500 total) i already gave her for. I tell her no and that I don't want to spend an hour there as I needed to go. She says because she already blew me and kissed that's beyond the 800, which she said was for the massage and blowjob. Points to the sign which said kissing was 500. Again, I didn't ask for any of those, I just asked for the basic service. I told her this in canto and English. She says no, she needs another 200 for the deed. Fine. Sent.

At this point, I just want to get it done so I ask if I can or not. She insists on another 100 out of nowhere At this point I had enough and just wanted to get the fuck out of there and went to shower and then put my clothes on. Maybe she gave up, because when I came out she took her panties off. Well, too late, fuck this shit. I just put on my clothes and left. At this point I also saw she pocketed the cash but I wasn't going to fight her over $700.

Honestly, I would've felt better paying $500 to jack myself off. Legitimately upset that I didn't just go to someone else.

0 for communication. 0 for service. Genuinely felt like I got scammed. First time out of four times punting in HK that I've had a bad experience. Stay away. Think I'm going to stick with hentai for a while.

[ Last edited by  Goblinwins at 5-12-2024 15:47 ]

Recent Ratings
cityguy   6-12-2024 13:55  Karma  +6   thanks for the intel - one to avoid
LittleWing   5-12-2024 16:53  Karma  +4   Wow, I've occasionally had a disappointing time, but not been charged 2X or 3X the rate for it...
jacklee111   5-12-2024 15:58  Karma  +4   sympathy K's... awful
frollics1   5-12-2024 15:41  Karma  +6   sympathy
hclarkson1999   5-12-2024 15:36  Karma  +1   

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