Subject: Massage republic — Caught in the act
cityguy (toots_mcgee)
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Post at 4-12-2024 19:40  Profile P.M. 
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Massage republic — Caught in the act

I love that wonderful moment when the platforms manage to display the lies so clearly. Yes, they are small lies but a lie is a lie, which means they have no problem in cheating you.

[ Last edited by  Susanlixxx at 7-12-2024 22:53 ]

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booby_lover   5-12-2024 00:22  Acceptance  +8   Dont care so much about those small lies but where can we find Rummy.

should it have those spots on it like that?
cityguy (toots_mcgee)
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Post at 6-12-2024 09:54  Profile P.M. 
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Massagerepublic - she's still being promoted - good luck

should it have those spots on it like that?
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 9-12-2024 16:12  Profile P.M. 
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Most of Massage republic are lady boys, ugly catfish, or overpriced aversge looking girls. I would stick to walk ins/saunas or agents that are trusted.

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