Subject: [HK] Am I the only one who hates getting their nipples sucked
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Post at 5-11-2024 22:11  Profile P.M. 
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[HK] Am I the only one who hates getting their nipples sucked

Everytime the WGs does that I start to lose bone and have to stop them. Feels gay as hell.

Recent Ratings
kcy742   13-11-2024 12:04  Acceptance  +1   I think so too. Just move on
cumvalve88   12-11-2024 03:04  Acceptance  +2   doesn't do anything to me too, same with cat baths ugh
frozenlobes   8-11-2024 10:23  Acceptance  +3   Completely agreed!!
kalvinhobbs   7-11-2024 02:01  Acceptance  +8   Dont hate but yea doesnt do anything me either
HK_Legend   6-11-2024 09:10  Acceptance  +10   Waste of time. Always tell them to stop that circus.
skklau   6-11-2024 06:34  Acceptance  +2   Defiently think most girls get it from Jav.. It not really big in europe. But agree it does nothing for me.
dienw   6-11-2024 00:49  Acceptance  +2   Don't hate it, but it doesn't do anything for me. Usually too polite to stop it though
bigchief27a   5-11-2024 23:32  Acceptance  +2   Agree with you. Waste of time. The best girls don’t bother
Marcade   5-11-2024 22:29  Acceptance  +3   I don't hate it; but mine aren't sensitive, so I will always hint them to quickly move on with their .. 'program'

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