Subject: Monger attempt killed off, a rant
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Post at 5-11-2024 02:26  Profile P.M. 
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Monger attempt killed off, a rant

I'm probably overreacting, but I find it very awkward to initially approach a working gal, and doubly so if not much in Okubo Park given it's so public. I walked past last night to see the girls, most of them very hot and the one, very unattractive thing shouts something at me, didn't really hear with my headphones so kept moving and felt awkward and didn't approach anyone as she was lingering around.

Get the courage to go back tonight, as soon as i turn on the road, the same one loudly shouts 'YOU'RE BACK AGAIN' and grabs me and will not let go of my arm despite me saying I'm ok, no thanks multiple times, she doesn't let go until I eventually leave the whole street and walk past the other girls saying 'only she can have me' - is this common? This is not some humble brag she was horrible and I plainly wasn't interested.

It's totally put me off going back there and I felt embarrassed to be honest, I don't know if she's just somehow oblivious to how uninterested I was, or if she would rather cost other girls making some money if it means she's not getting any? Seems like it's bad for them to as now there's little chance I'll go back to get harassed by Gorlock.

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actavis   13-11-2024 09:15  Acceptance  +5   harassed by gorlock is pretty funny, i wouldnt go back either man fuck that
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Post at 6-11-2024 00:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hndrx's post

You must have walked through the street where the transexuals are which is very close to where the other girls stand. Some them are transexuals and mostly from south east asian countries (thai etc) from what I've seen. They are very aggressive in getting customers and tend to have fairly good English in comparison to the acutal Japanese girls. I had one put their arm around me as I was walking past and another one stand infront of me pushing her tits on me literally until I just gave her/him a dissapproving shake of my head.

The actual Japanese girls there are very passive and just stare at their phones untill someone comes up to them. They usually don't do any initiating at all.

[ Last edited by  dragon926 at 6-11-2024 00:11 ]

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stanleynx   7-11-2024 15:16  Acceptance  +1   

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