Subject: [Bangkok] momo - Mook
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Post at 30-9-2024 03:41  Profile P.M. 
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[Bangkok] momo - Mook

Date of Session: July 2024
Location: Momo
Name: Mook
Nationality & Language: Thai & some English
Age: late 20
Face: 2/5
Body: 3/5
Height: 165+
Skill: 2/5
Service: 2/5
GFE: 0/5
PSE: 0/5
Price & Session Length: 3500 baht outcall
Repeat: No

I accidentally broke my ankle so decided to get an outcall instead of visting the store. Momo was a shop that I visited frequently 3 years ago but not now. This time I wanted to give it a try so contacted through Line. Asked the boss what was the recommandation for good service, replied Mook and some other names that I forgot. Checked their pictures and chose Mook.

Mook arrived about 1 hour later than scheduled. The execuse was traffic but my hotel was only 1 BTS stop away from the shop. The real person was basically same as pictures, just not that shinny (filters effect). She is a really talktive person, started by thanking me for choosing her, because she is really out of money now, just have 100 baht, havn't ate yet.. blah blah

The main section was really disappointing. In general this girl cannot stimulate my sexual desire. Her clothes were old and not sexy at all. Without cholthes she was very slim&flat with small boobs and ass. She was not very hygienic so I dont want to kiss her. Kept talking random things..lots of turndowns. She did BBBJ and CG, but very soon asked me to take over because she ddidn't eat and no power... I managed to finish one shot and asked her to do light massage for rest of the time.

Sent her off after about 1 hour since I really didn't want to stay with her anymore. The chemistry between us was wrost. Now look back, the boss in Line was clearly lying to me - instead of recommanding the good ones, he just told me the names that need customer the most.. So sad.

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travelerfreakj   3-10-2024 01:24  Karma  +5   
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vinnie07   30-9-2024 11:45  Karma  +2   
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Jmw   30-9-2024 08:45  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 30-9-2024 04:38  Profile P.M. 
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I would be very surprised if you had broken your ankle and it WASN'T an accident 555

Also no food no money...sounds like a 5/5 for GFE to me!
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Post at 1-10-2024 04:51  Profile P.M. 
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i've had her at mango and she was decent. maybe not the smoothest skin but decently pretty. she also has fake medium sized boobs, don't know where you are getting small
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Post at 1-10-2024 10:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 abcftw's post

Thanks for the information.Then I must be remembering it wrong, because I really wasn't impressed by her at all. Never knew that she worked at mango before, however I saw her profile in Thaifriendly once.

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