Subject: Beginner's Guide to Fiwfans
Kinky King
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Post at 10-4-2023 15:21  Profile P.M. 
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Beginner's Guide to Fiwfans

Fiwfans FAQ

This is a short FAQ for and other, similar websites in Thailand. It is by no means complete or authoritative. Please feel free to leave comments and questions. is a social media platform by Thais, for Thais. As many things in Thailand, it lives in a grey area. This means that it is not always written in a clearly, straight forward way. What it boils down to is P4P. Providers advertise, customers select. Providers are mainly Female, but there are also Ladyboys (before and after operation), as well as Male Providers.
The main customers are Thai, but there are also quite a number of foreigners using this website. Mainly Japanese, Chinese and Western Foreigners.
The website is written in Thai and thus not easily understandable for non-Thai speakers.

How to
I recommend using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Both browsers have a build in translation function for whole websites.
Furthermore, you will need the Line App For advanced use, you will need Telegram as well

Open Fiwfans with Chrome or Edge and you should see the website translated.
Fiwfans already provides you with a popular location selection at the top of the page. This helps you to narrow down the selection of providers.
The search function let's you search by name in the top field, the second field is searching in the service details. Below that is the search for the location. There are also providers outside of Bangkok, e.g. Chiang Mai or Pattaya.
You usually cannot use english words in this search, the website expects Thai. However, some providers use english words, details and names that you can find via this search.

Once you find a provider that you fancy, click on the Line link and Line will pop up and the provider can be added as a friend.
The vast majority of providers use a Line Business or Official account. These are the account starting with an "@" sign. This means that you usually get an automated message immediately after adding a provider with more details in Thai and usually some pictures. The advantage of such Line Business account is that more than one person can access the chat, meaning there can be several people answering customers or if the provider is busy, an agent can answer for her. It is faster to get an answer this way.

Talking about agents. There are agents on the platform that handle all the "paperwork" for the providers. Some make it very clear, which is visible by the "affiliated with" tag in the details page of the provider. Other times, an agent will answer for a "work by themselves" provider. Some independent providers already mention that they answer slow when they are busy. As usual, things are fluent in Thailand and change all the time. One day a provider is affiliated with an agent, the next day they try to be independent.

Getting in contact
Once you selected a provider and added them to Line, you just let them know what time you want to meet and which course you want to choose. Some agencies use one Line-ID for their whole camp, others have Line-IDs for each provider. Just in case, mention the name of your chosen provider in your contact message.
Many agents and providers will try to facilitate you if you write them in Line. Some better than others, but they will try. Some of the providers can speak English, Chinese, Japanese, as well as other languages. Just as an heads up, some agencies/providers do not accept foreigners or specific ethnicities. They do not always mention it, you will find that out when they shadow you.

If you do not have a picture of your face in your line profile, they might ask for a face picture of you.

Once at the hotel or condominium, just let them know that you have arrived. They will either come down to the lobby to pick you up or send you the room number.
Some hotels purely survived the last years from these providers. Especially in the Ratchada Area. The hotels are usually a little bit to very run down. Most of the time, the hotel staff knows. Just walk by to the lift and go to the room. They know why you are here.
Once in the room, pay and have fun.

Last Step
After your visit, please write a report here. It helps others to find good providers.

The translation is sometimes "strange" because they do not write it straight forward in Thai. Just as a guide:
Crack/Break the face = COF
Crack/Break the mouth or split the lips = CIM
Crack/Break the Body = COB
Remove the milk groove or break the breasts = titfuck
Blowjob fresh = BBBJ
lick jimi, lick sister = daty
water = shot
Not fresh = need to use condom
not bottomless = no anal
Sandwich = Threesome (mainly ffm, but also mmf)
Swing job = Threesome (mmf)
size = condom size
no injections, no pearls, no mo = no modified penis
snacks/pay for snacks = Take care of business / donation

This is a list of providers, that explicitly mention English in their profile

These agencies
Thai Model [url=Club]Club[/url]
Madam 88888
can communicate with and are used to foreign customers, others do as well. 420 Club already lists the options in English, some other agencies do that as well.

Advanced usage itself has a Telegram review channel, Thais call it homework. The link is on the main page Here locals and some foreigners post their reports of the providers that they used. This helps you to get a better picture and also see who is popular. Here they also post more pictures and some short videos. On Fiwfans itself the review section is more limited.
Many agencies also have their own Telegram channels. The link is in details on the agents page. Here you can see who is working on a given day, the location and the work time. You can also find promotions here. Madam88888, for example, likes to give 100 Baht discount for reviews posted in their Telegram channel. I recommend to not click on the links in the telegram channels, but instead only to use the links on Fiwfans. There are many scams going on in Thailand in which someone pretends to be the admin and posts fake links. Not only on Telegram, but also on Facebook, Line,...

WARNING: Never, ever transfer the full amount in advance. There are a lot of scams going on and many customers regularly fall for it. Sometimes you have to transfer a small amount to confirm the booking, as there are also "joke" bookings. But these transactions are usually 500 baht or less.

Recent Ratings
buront   3-1-2025 19:03  Karma  +2   
Croki69   9-12-2024 17:06  Acceptance  +1   
garu2024   28-10-2024 14:58  Acceptance  +1   
emilio013   7-9-2024 10:16  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
Bondtse   25-8-2024 01:32  Acceptance  +1   
Asunayuuki96   8-7-2024 18:51  Acceptance  +1   
koosje12   16-3-2024 17:42  Acceptance  +1   
Kwinss   21-1-2024 15:49  Acceptance  +1   
doopdooppo   8-1-2024 00:15  Acceptance  +1   useful thanks!
ThaiTraveller99   7-1-2024 14:56  Acceptance  +1   
Largo1   26-12-2023 01:15  Acceptance  +1   
dibiwew159   10-12-2023 05:10  Acceptance  +1   
ElonStark   3-12-2023 11:49  Acceptance  +1   
lopassion   16-11-2023 19:28  Acceptance  +1   Very useful post. Thank you
TedKoppel   4-11-2023 17:15  Karma  +3   
samsyd   16-10-2023 06:19  Acceptance  +1   
Biglovecool   5-10-2023 15:34  Acceptance  +1   Thanks a lot!
marklee1002   17-8-2023 10:32  Acceptance  +1   
recluse   11-8-2023 23:59  Acceptance  +1   Great help!
honkong2012   31-7-2023 09:38  Karma  +4   
james_g   23-7-2023 16:08  Acceptance  +1   very helpful!
figaro   12-7-2023 02:28  Acceptance  +1   Thank you for the guide!
Stretch2480   9-7-2023 14:03  Karma  +2   Great intro really helpful many thanks
lauyh123   5-7-2023 16:49  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
pirate1   4-7-2023 16:03  Acceptance  +3   Awesome guide. Thanks.
Haumann   25-6-2023 13:30  Acceptance  +3   Excellent
Hobbier   20-6-2023 21:35  Karma  +2   Thank you.
RikkiRamos   31-5-2023 14:46  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
Asiangaijin   30-5-2023 14:56  Acceptance  +1   
Serblackfish   26-5-2023 06:03  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 10-4-2023 17:56  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #1 Laszlo's post

Hi everyone, JtB here, your new section moderator for the Thailand subforum. You all know me, I've been around awhile.

Laszlo wrote a nice FAQ for fiwfans, and I'll add some thoughts in another comment later. But this is your forum, so feel free to add any advice to this thread. It will remain "sticky" which means it will stay up top.


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garu2024   4-11-2024 05:22  Acceptance  +1   
gg1234   31-3-2024 23:38  Karma  +5   
Haumann   27-6-2023 18:59  Karma  +3   
Dr.A   10-4-2023 23:36  Acceptance  +10   
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Post at 11-4-2023 20:10  Profile P.M. 
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Very helpful and comprehensive post Laszlo! Wish I had this when I first started...

Not sure if this might be the right place to chip in, but i'd be glad to remove this post if this wasn't the right place.

Anyhow, in the huge world of colloquialism which is Thai, alot of the terms used don't make sense and can't really be translated literally. I would like to boldly share some of my understanding add some other commonly seen terms, if I may. Some of these may seem obvious to some of you, so please bear with me:

Jimi = pussy
Jimi Kaolao / Gaolao = Shaved pussy / hairless pussy
Lia Jimi = lick pussy / DATY
Burn / bern = DATY
Paint = DATY
Live / Fresh = Raw / no condom
Tongue exchange = french kiss
Backdoor = ass / anal
Bag = condom
Milk made = got a boob job

Just a humble suggestion: Not intending to take away from the good work of the original post but would it be beneficial to consolidate these into a glossary as a sticky post as a quick reference for those who need it?

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garu2024   4-11-2024 05:22  Acceptance  +1   
samsyd   16-10-2023 06:19  Acceptance  +1   
lauyh123   5-7-2023 16:53  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
Haumann   27-6-2023 19:00  Karma  +3   Excellent
JackTheBat   19-4-2023 07:55  Karma  +10   
Laszlo   12-4-2023 08:36  Karma  +3   Thanks a lot. Unfortunately, I cannot edit the first post anymore. Would have been a great addition to it.
Kinky King
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Post at 12-4-2023 14:54  Profile P.M. 
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To add:

Go straight to the point in your 1st message, like "วันนี้ขอจองเวลา 2030 น. ได้ไหม  40 นาที 1000 บาท" aka "are you available at 2030? I want to opt for the 40 minutes at 1000 baht course". They will know you are genuine since there is a timing proposed so they will be more willing to reply, rather than asking if the girl will do this or that as your 1st message.

It would be good to upfront declare you are a farang, especially if your tool is big. Some girls might serve locals only, some operators impose a 'foreigner tax'; example here:

Don't bargain or 'reason' with them; it is what it is. Just move to another girl that fits your budget or willing to serve, rather than getting all the way to the place of operations, only to be rejected at the door.

Please read the dos & don'ts of the profiles carefully; some might indicate that you have to bring your own condoms or buy from the girl (at a premium price!). Some of their dos might be just copy & paste from others or she just might not be feeling up to it that day so you might want to reaffirm if COF/CIM/whatever your must-have is on the table. Then again, operator might say yes to everything and the girl might say otherwise when you reach so be mentally prepared for that. My take is just go with the flow of whatever the girl is comfortable with and you'll surely have a good time.

Should you enter the room and find that the girl looks way too different, just tell her so and apologize for not continuing with the session. DO NOT TOUCH HER and inform the operator for another recommendation. Operator still earns from you, you have a good time, everyone is happy. Well, except for the girl that you just rejected.

I normally opt for 2 shots so if the girl's service is lackluster, I will politely inform the operator with my google translate mangled thai if I may shorten my session to 1 shot instead. I will add a reason and so far, the operators have yet to turn down my request. But I have been a regular client so that helps too.

Just remember: a little civility and politeness goes a long way.

Recent Ratings
garu2024   4-11-2024 05:23  Acceptance  +1   Very good
james_g   25-7-2023 18:41  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
Haumann   25-6-2023 13:31  Acceptance  +3   
Joecarson   15-4-2023 01:24  Acceptance  +1   Favorable
JackTheBat   14-4-2023 12:20  Karma  +10   
Laszlo   12-4-2023 16:24  Karma  +3   I agree with all points. Especially the last point, a little civility and politeness goes a long way. Thank you for your ...
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Post at 12-4-2023 21:11  Profile P.M. 
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Some more additions from an earlier post

I'm moving some previous experience sharings since we now have this sticky (courtesy of our new mod) so that all information is consolidated in one place and easier to find.

Re: how independent the ladies are-

I have actually met all 3 types: Ladies that are under an agency and state they are, Ladies that state they are independent but are under an agency and Ladies that are truly independent. I have had generally good experiences with truly independent ladies so far but unfortunately those covertly under an agency are becoming increasingly common. Generally the red flag for me is if the line ID begins with an @. Also, I am going to say that the independent ones are generally more popular (probably also why they don't need an agency)  and will likely take a while to respond.

Re: multiple agents (or independents) in the same location-

I have learnt that Ratchada 17 is pretty much the biggest incall Red Light District equivalent of Bangkok and almost everyone in the area operates out of 3 hotels. If you see another dude loitering around the lobby or the entrance, you probably have something in common. I have been to rooms of independents  with weeks worth of bottled water and towels. I'm quite sure the management knows... independent or not...

Re: Sheets-

Sorry to disappoint but I have never seen a lady change sheets after I am done and I tend to stay until the last minute that my clock runs out... So far i've always gotten clean, dry towels though.

Re: The next best alternative IMO -

Leaving the old ads aside (I honestly believe that the posters just forgot about the old posts), I still find that sidelinethailand might be the next most updated site and it does have a superior search function. I have actually found some ladies/agencies that do not operate out of fiwfans here, although fiwfans still is the largest, most comprehensive site. Just sort by last updated and ignore the later posts. The good news is that every post comes with a timestamp, so you can easily weed out the older ones. As my rule of thumb, I wouldn't get my hopes up for anything that is not updated within the last month.

Re: Digging deeper for photographs

I have found value in scouring the other freelancer websites to get more photographs since the posters sometimes post different ones on different sites; I have on occassion found different or unmasked photographs for ladies that have their faces censored / masked on fiwfans.

On the same topic I would also always recommend checking the agencies' telegram groups and adding their line accounts - especially for ones with masked photos on fiwfans - as they do sometimes provide different / unmasked photographs on these alternate platforms without having to ask for them (e.g. BMM comes to mind here). This will definitely help make a better and more informed decision. Life is too short for regrets my friends.

[ Last edited by  johnptony at 12-4-2023 21:14 ]

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garu2024   4-11-2024 05:23  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
giannive   25-9-2023 04:33  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
Haumann   25-6-2023 13:36  Acceptance  +3   
JackTheBat   14-4-2023 12:21  Karma  +10   
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Post at 1-6-2023 16:46  Profile P.M. 
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The Beginner's Guide to Fiwfans is a comprehensive guide to getting started with the Fiwfans platform. It provides an overview of the platform, explains the different features and tools, and provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and managing an account. It also covers topics such as how to find and follow other users, how to create and share content, and how to engage with the community. Additionally, the guide includes resources for further learning, such as tutorials and videos.

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JackTheBat   9-10-2023 13:03  Karma  -4   What porkchops said.
porkchops   1-6-2023 17:51  Karma  -1   Can you find better uses for ChatGPT than to generate useless bullshit posts for this forum? If you don't have anything ...
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Post at 7-6-2023 13:57  Profile P.M. 
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1. Follow Relevant Accounts: Follow accounts related to financial freedom, such as money bloggers, personal finance experts, entrepreneurs and financial advisors. You can find such accounts through Twitter's advanced search or by searching specific hashtags.

2. Use Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags (e.g. #FinancialFreedom #FIWF #MoneyManagement etc.) to find conversations, content and people related to the topic of financial freedom.

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JackTheBat   5-7-2023 13:21  Karma  -4   SPAM.
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Post at 10-6-2023 22:01  Profile P.M. 
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Fiwfans reviews

I am struggling with reviews of these girls on Fiwfans. Every seems to have great reviews and when you go the reviewer handle, looks like he is also giving 10/10 to everyone. This meameans that these are all fake reviews. Is there a way to get correct reviews of these ladies?

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james_g   23-7-2023 16:10  Acceptance  +1   
Laszlo   10-6-2023 22:55  Acceptance  +3   "bad" reviews are being deleted. You have to read between the line. If you join the sideline homework group, you get m ...
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Post at 13-6-2023 23:34  Profile P.M. 
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Are there any higher-end options to recommend? Someone mentioned Hyuna House and YD Club in another thread but I was not super impressed at what I saw in the photos in their channels. I usually just frequent Maria and Black Caviar when I'm in BKK, but it would nice to try out something new for a change. Quality of girls above all though.

Thanks for the guide btw!

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Laszlo   14-6-2023 17:32  Acceptance  +3   I listed you some options in my post below. I am curious to know if it is worth it.
Kinky King
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Post at 14-6-2023 17:31  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by MrSchmuck at 13-6-2023 23:34
Are there any higher-end options to recommend? Someone mentioned Hyuna House and YD Club in another thread but I was not super impressed at what I saw in the photos in their channels. I usually just f ...

You already checked two2 big ones. There are also Top4girls and Supergirls

Some freelancers also think that they are higher-end.
She offers 500.000 per month or 5.000.000 per year options.
Her onlyfans account seems to affect her pricing
She once offered to go jogging with her for just 5.000 THB. The guys in the telegram group had a good laugh. But she seems to perform quite well for the few guys that actually booked her.

If you choose one of them, i am really interested to read the reports.
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Post at 14-6-2023 23:20  Profile P.M. 
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Not fresh

Thank you for this, yes, phrases like "Not fresh" (condom required), and "not bottomless" (no anal) did confuse me when I read them too.

But once you get used to it phrases like "No condom, remove fresh, break inside" kind of make sense. Other stuff like "modifications" and "injected peals" (thought drug use, but sounds like it's cock ring or something??)

On a side note, I noticed some of the Spanish review boards are a bit like this too - almost poetic descriptions that Google Translate is struggling with

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88ok.patong   30-7-2023 01:46  Acceptance  +1   What does " You can smell fresh for a long time" mean?
Laszlo   15-6-2023 08:02  Karma  +3   It seems that some local guys like to modify their lb. They inject silicone or "pearls" to compensate for missing girt ...
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Post at 16-6-2023 17:58  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Laszlo at 14-6-2023 17:31

You already checked two2 big ones. There are also Top4girls and Supergirls

Some freelancers also think that they a ...

Thanks for the recommendations! I'll definitely have to give the first one a try. Seemed to have a good pair of boobs which I'm a fan of ;) I'll do my best to get a report up and running as well afterwards. I've yet to write a single one, even though I splurge way too much on this type of entertainment frequently lol

Either way, if you have any other high-tier recommendations, let me know anytime. In order not to spam your thread too much, you're welcome to send me a PM as well. In return, I can write a report or give any other intel. Cheers!
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Post at 21-6-2023 23:15  Profile P.M. 
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You can also try these alternate sites though not all of them have extensive reviews. But I used them to cross reference ladies.

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chefkovic   20-5-2024 02:15  Acceptance  +1   
lorenzo37   24-9-2023 01:03  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 27-6-2023 18:47  Profile P.M. 
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Is this translation correct?

ห้ามเลียนัองสาว (น้องแพ้น้ำลาย) = Don't lick the girl (she's allergic to saliva)

I mean... How on earth could someone resist licking every millimeter of this beauty???

(edit: I don't know why I cannot insert images. They are jpg smaller than 256kb)

[ Last edited by  Haumann at 27-6-2023 17:58 ]

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Laszlo   27-6-2023 20:32  Acceptance  +4   Yes, that translation is correct. In thai it means more "forbidden". Just by coincidence there are some reviews of her ...
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Post at 11-7-2023 11:01  Profile P.M. 
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I'm also seeing "No outside work" on almost all of the listings. I understand that this is an incall service but was wondering if I can take the girl out for food and drinks if I were to hire her for a longer time.
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Post at 11-7-2023 11:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 robi22's post

I can explain about the penis modifications (what a sentence LOL) One popular one is called Pearling

Some men in Asia have decided to go ahead and shove pearls or little metal balls into the skin of their penis, believing that it would make it more pleasurable for the ladies. I don't know how common it is everywhere else in the world, even in Asia. I heard about it while watching some Korean streamer who brought on an ex-con as a guest. The ex con (I believe he's a gang member) had it done in prison and said it was a common thing for the boys to do for each other You can imagine how gross and unsanitary that would be. I think the Yakuza were known to do it as well. Either way, it looks gross and I really do wonder what type of person you'd have to be to want a partner that has that done as well.

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james_g   23-7-2023 16:11  Acceptance  +1   that's gross
Haumann   11-7-2023 21:05  Karma  +3   Really repulsive and unhealthy
Laszlo   11-7-2023 20:37  Karma  +4   
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Post at 11-7-2023 21:12  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by stalecookie at 11-7-2023 10:01
I'm also seeing "No outside work" on almost all of the listings. I understand that this is an incall service but was wondering if I can take the girl out for food and drinks if I were to hir ...

That means that she will not go to your hotel or apartment.

If you want to take her out you may have to directly ask the girl, once you meet her and she gets to knows you personally. Do not expect a yes/no answer from the forum that could be applied to all the girls and situations.

And she may be waiting for other customers after your visit, so you will have to wait until she finishes working to take her out. It will depend on how busy is her schedule.

You also need to set straight if you are going to pay her for her time, or if you expect her to go with you to enjoy your company because you are kind, charismatic and/or handsome, or simply because she needs to take a break. I've had ladies go out with me as friends because they enjoy the company and conversation, even though I'm not too young or James Bond. One even brought her daughter to go together to see a movie at Siam Paragon, and ice-cream at Swensen's. We have established a honest friendship.

Think of them and treat them with all the kindness and consideration as with any other women, and respecting their work and their boundaries.

[ Last edited by  Haumann at 11-7-2023 21:36 ]
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Post at 12-7-2023 02:36  Profile P.M. 
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Did anyone find any keywords to search for that might pull up girls who cater to foreigners? I've tried searching for "ฝรั่ง" (farang), but it didn't yield any results. I'm thinking there might another phrase/lingo that girls use to

I had positive experiences with the vetted girls in the reports here. However, I'm having limited success when contacting girls on my own with the methods shared here. Other things I would like to search for are rimming and squirting without having to browse.

Any advice would be great appreciated!

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Laszlo   12-7-2023 06:17  Acceptance  +4   ล้างตู้ means rimming. Google translates it to "cleaning the fridge/cabinet". Searching specifically for forei ...
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Post at 12-7-2023 08:52  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by figaro at 12-7-2023 01:36
Did anyone find any keywords to search for that might pull up girls who cater to foreigners? I've tried searching for "ฝรั่ง" (farang), but it didn't yield any results. I'm thinking the ...

Searching for "English" gives you some results

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figaro   12-7-2023 20:35  Acceptance  +1   
Laszlo   12-7-2023 17:52  Acceptance  +4   
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Post at 15-7-2023 09:49  Profile P.M. 
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Old fiwfans domain seems to have been taken down by local authorities.

This works: All the old links for specific girls still work as well, just change ".com" to ".vip" in the address.

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samsyd   16-10-2023 06:19  Acceptance  +1   
james_g   23-7-2023 16:12  Acceptance  +1   excellent
fulgrim91   19-7-2023 16:19  Karma  +2   Cheers
mgkckr   16-7-2023 08:20  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
Laszlo   15-7-2023 13:18  Karma  +4   

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