Subject: Compressing an image below 256kb?
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Post at 26-7-2024 13:57  Profile P.M. 
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Compressing an image below 256kb?

Anybody know how to compress an image below 256kb? Tried to post a photo I personally took with a WG but file size is too big. I tried free online platforms but compressing oddly made the file size of the image bigger in some cases. Is this a common issue with photos taken on an iphone?

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Post at 26-7-2024 22:03  Profile P.M. 
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My best tip I can suggest is go to YouTube there are many video tutorials on how to do it. And if you are using an iPad or iPhone
transfer the image you want to compress to the local file folder, it is very easy to compress to a smaller size.
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Post at 30-7-2024 21:26  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Originally posted by johnwicked0413 at 26-7-2024 12:57
Is this a common issue with photos taken on an iphone?

Yes it is. This forum runs on the Discuz system which hasn't been updated since 2006, before the iPhone existed.

You need to downsize and can do this in various ways. On a laptop you can use free editing software like PhotoScape, there are others. Simply reduce the number of pixels--I go with 400 pixels on the wide edge, that seems to work OK.


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Post at 5-11-2024 04:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 johnwicked0413's post

Use this link
That's the one I use.

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