Subject: Newbie question
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 11-7-2023 21:44  Profile P.M. 
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Newbie question

How to start a thread/post? Sorry cannot find a button to write a new post

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bluecar73   30-8-2023 12:34  Acceptance  +1   
Mister   13-7-2023 10:11  Acceptance  +1   As a n00b, you can post threads only in the Newbie Reports section. Click on the New button.
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 16-4-2024 03:41  Profile P.M. 
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As you are new. You getta start post at the Newbie section. Just remember to stay in correct format. You may copy paste others format and edit the content in your own mg experience. Just read the PSA guidelines for more details. I know it’s long and boring. Once you have your new report posted on Newbie section. Someone will move your report base on where your experienced location is. That’s why your format is important. For example, my report is in US Bay Area. It will be moved to the right section.

Recent Ratings
Susanlixxx   18-4-2024 01:15  Acceptance  +10   

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