Poll Subject: Is our Forum an ACCURATE reflection of quality in Hong Kong?  single choice [Show Voters]
I only report the good ones
I tend to report good ones more than bad - why share bad news?
I report both good and bad as I find them - it's important to be objective
If I get bad service I always report - but I keep a few of the best ones secret
I only ever report the bad ones - the good ones are mine and only mine
I've never reported but probably will when I'm ready
I've never reported and never will
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Subject: Is our Forum an ACCURATE reflection of quality in Hong Kong?
DArtagnan (unofficial Mayor of the Forum)
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Post at 19-8-2010 09:46  Profile P.M. 
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Is our Forum an ACCURATE reflection of quality in Hong Kong?

This forum has a huge bias towards enthusiastic and complimentary reports.  
Certainly it makes it fun to read ... but is it truly a reflection of the reality of punting in Hong Kong, or is it infotainment?  

Is it because we only report the good ones?
Or is it because we genuinely get good service?  

So, I'm curious about your reporting patterns ...

How do YOU report?  
   Are you focussed on good news, assuming that bad service was either personal or a one-off?  
   Or are you a crusader, out to make sure other bros can avoid a bad experience?
   Do you share all your best finds, or do you keep them to yourself?  
   Or are you the soul of equality and fairness?  

No right or wrong answers - you are completely free to report what you choose to share - we just want to know how we are doing.  


Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 19-8-2010 11:30  Profile P.M.  QQ Yahoo!
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I would report both good and bad as I think thats what this forum should be all about. Helping our bro's get accurate information so they can make thier own decisions. Thanks for all the reports bro's
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 19-8-2010 21:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 DArtagnan's post

Ok - I don't report on the Hong Kong threads as I do just about all of my punting in china and only resort to doing it in Hong Kong if I just can't help it/don't have the time/circumstances calls for it

But as far as posting is concerned - yeah, I only post good memorable ones for several reasons
1. What's to write if it ain't any good/memorable

2. Why trash a gal - any gal.  To me their job is hard enough without me contributing to their task. Yeah, guys may think - how selfish of SEAJ to not also warn me - but hey YMMV and I say for the kind of Money we're talking about and for what these gals does - hey - not THAT much of a big deal to a punter - BUT a big deal to the gal.

3. I'd say there's a definite bias on sex 141 FOR good gal reports and AGAINST bad gal reports.  yeah Yeah Yeah, you may say this is not true etc etc - but just look at how much karmas a good gal report gets and how many a bad gal report gets! LOL!

4. I use my reports as an archive of my memorable experiences - something I can go back to when I'm old and grey.  Do I want to remember lousy punts?  What for?

5. Lousy experiences are many times also embarassing experiences.  So guys are gonna post that they cain't get it up?  That their judgement was lousy? That he pissed off a gal and thus got lousy service? You'd post up your embarrassing "things?"  Not me!!

OK long enough post I guess - although me-thinks me can still go on and on and....

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Post at 20-8-2010 11:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 SEAJ's post

A good start with the votes definitely showing a bias towards good news ...

but we need more people to vote before we can come to any firm conclusion

... keep your votes coming!!  

It's anonymous, we want to hear the voice of the community, and that means you!

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 20-8-2010 12:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 DArtagnan's post

D'art -
the famous poobah....
who will wait patiently for others to put their feet in their own mouths....
to jump in and jam it in further when opportune!!  


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Post at 20-8-2010 12:42  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by SEAJ at 20-8-2010 12:37
the famous poobah....
who will wait patiently for others to put their feet in their own mouths....
to jump in and jam it in further when opportune!!  

Touche ...

Hey, whatever happened to "Champion of equality and justice, defender of the oppressed against tyranny"??

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 20-8-2010 14:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 DArtagnan's post

Got HUNTED down and slaughtered I guess!

Pity - he was a good guy!!

edits- Ps. he does still show up once a while though!!

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 20-8-2010 14:29 ]
DArtagnan (unofficial Mayor of the Forum)
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Post at 20-8-2010 14:45  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by SEAJ at 20-8-2010 14:27
Got HUNTED down and slaughtered I guess!

I'll stick with "Grand Poobah", easier to live up to ... that way nobody has great expectations ...

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SEAJ   20-8-2010 20:28  Acceptance  +2   "Great Expectations"Dickens I believe?

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 24-8-2010 16:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 DArtagnan's post

Just noticed something.... that Poll threads are on "auto-bumb!!"

I mean I've noticed that this poll has remained on the front page of new posts for days - even though nobody else's posted on it.

Figured that anytime anybody joins in the poll that the thread gets bumbed back up!!

Hey - mebbe I oughta make a report disguised as a poll - that way I get it up on the front page multi days!!  The karma whore that I'm known as - heck - that'd suit me just fine!!

J/K.... really just kidding!!


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doghead   30-12-2010 18:24  Acceptance  +1   Name: "Should SEAJ keep posting pics?"
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Post at 30-12-2010 18:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 SEAJ's post

A simple poll with Yes/No/Maybe answer choices.  It should be called, "Should SEAJ keep posting gratuitous pics?".  Your poll would be able to stay on top forever.  

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SEAJ   30-12-2010 18:50  Acceptance  +1   U're giving me ideas! BAD ideas! LOL!
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Post at 7-1-2011 23:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reporting the truth is better than keeping something bad in your mind.
It will help other brothers to make the right decision.
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Post at 13-2-2011 23:22  Profile P.M. 
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i would like to report, but i never transit at HKG.
i can only report the other place china
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Post at 14-2-2011 07:59  Profile P.M. 
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My idea of whether I should report or not is that if my report helps others find an idea to get her services or, then I should do it. Certainly helps if the WG allows photos for everyone's viewing pleasure.

If I am shortchanged, B&Sed, certainly a forewarning to bros would be helpful or at least make them take precaution.

We're here to report good and bad experiences, so let's try to be more objective and make reports useful read.
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Post at 16-2-2011 20:44  Profile P.M. 
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I've only been a member for a little while now, but I've tried to post every experience in the past year.  I feel that the more we share the more it benefits all of us.

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DArtagnan   8-6-2011 16:52  Karma  +1   Noble!
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Post at 11-6-2014 06:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 pine99's post

I just saw this poll and made me think.

I have reported about both good and bad punts, but what makes me choose to write about a gal or not is whether the session was memorable.  Memorable for ANY reason -- a spectacular-looking babe;  an average babe but spectacular service; an interesting moment or environment during the session; or an interesting way on how we met, etc. etc..  Could be a million reasons why I found the session memorable -- both good and bad.  

An "okay" session with an "okay" gal is likely something I wouldn't write about. And trust me... even though I have a ton of reports and posts, I have actually punted many orders-of-magnitude greater than the number I actually posted about.  They just were not terribly interesting encounters (or perhaps they were repeats I already discussed).

Anyway, we are here on this forum for different reasons:  Some use the Gal DB extensively and choose girls through it regularly.  For them, reviews are awesomely useful (both good ones and bad ones).  Hopefully these members also actively post there own reviews to give back to the community.  I dont use the Gal DB, and never did even when I lived in HK.  I sought bargirl freelancers.  So for me, reviews on Walkups or Hotel Girls are not terribly useful for me.  

Anyway.. my two cents.

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kaleu   19-6-2014 00:54  Acceptance  +1   It's funny you "replied" to Pine99 3 years and 4 months later...
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Post at 20-9-2017 15:18  Profile P.M. 
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I report good and bad.  

If I'm in an adventurous mood and decide to try a place or girl on the DB that has NO history, I am the crusader type that has to go in like a food critic and report my experience.  I'm objective, and if it's really bad I want EVERYONE to know, and if it's good I want to celebrate and let everyone know I've found a new gem. Or even if it's just OK, if there's little info about it, I hope my report will help.

On places or girls that have a lot of history, the average or slightly above or slightly below average stuff I won't bother.  So a place/girl with history has to be really amazing or really bad for me to report.

I figure, if 20 people have posted about XXX girl at XXX sauna and my experience is pretty much the same, there's no point in a 21st report.  I might just make a comment or brief mention.

Maybe if a new girl at XXX shows up and I'm the first to try her and she's exceptional then I'll feel the need to report.

The only other time I will post that doesn't follow above guidelines, is when I just need to get it off my chest.  Because I'm frustrated and need to post about it, or I'm ecstatic and I need to share the experience.

[ Last edited by  mchk at 20-9-2017 15:20 ]

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