Poll Subject: Pooping before a shower  single choice [Show Voters]
Wipe Clean (maybe too well and bleed a lil) 1/1
Wipe Mostly Clean .75/1
Half-assed Wipe .5/1
Why Wipe? I'm going to shower and clean that part >.25/1
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Subject: Pooping before a shower
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Post at 27-12-2014 22:23  Profile P.M. 
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Pooping before a shower

So I decided to make a poll of something that has always kind of made me think about the environment and has always made me wonder what others do in this situation.
Since you're going to shower anyway and most of us clean our own bodies thoroughly, do you still use the toilet paper? or do you save it for this trip and just use the running water of the shower to clean yourself as all the water is going to the same location and at the end of whatever cleaning period you choose, personally I do bi weekly alternating between washing down the tub and washing down the toilet, you're going to be cleaning it either way.

Question: How clean do you wipe your ass when you poop before a shower?

Note, this is in general. I personally think its a huge turn off to poop at a WGs place before you do the deed and I think its courtesy to not drop a bomb before another dudes go at her lol. Just my opinion and thoughts, I'm really interested to hear what other people think lol


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