Poll Subject: Would you get your son circumcised?  single choice [Show Voters]
Yes - Because of religious reasons, like father like son, more hygienic-minimize
No - Religions are backwards/cruel, is disfiguring, desensitizes sex, self hygie
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Subject: Would you get your son circumcised?
doghead (dog)
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Post at 15-6-2011 02:10  Profile P.M. 
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Would you get your son circumcised?

San Francisco is trying to pass a referendum to make forced circumcisions (like those given after birth) an illegal procedure unless it is necessary for a medical reason. Supporters feel those forced circumcisions inflicted on baby boys to be on par with the female genital mutilations that are carried out in the 3rd world, ie a procedure that is painful, disfiguring, barbaric, and lessening of sex enjoyment.

Non-supporters are against this referendum as they see it as infringing on the religious freedom of the Muslim and Jews, being less hygienic after studies showed circumcised men have a lesser chance of contracting AIDS than un-cut men,the pain to be just momentary, and overall infringing the freedom to choose a voluntary surgical procedure.

I guess for my son I will opt for circumcision for the Like Father Like Son and more hygienic reasons.   I know I teaching my son to be a masochist.

edited: reworded title to reflect intent better

[ Last edited by  doghead at 15-6-2011 02:20 ]
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Post at 15-6-2011 06:30  Profile P.M. 
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I would not as I am not.  But I don't think this should be banned.
DArtagnan (unofficial Mayor of the Forum)
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Post at 15-6-2011 08:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 doghead's post

Tough one ... there's sufficient medical evidence of circumcision reducing the transmission of AIDS, that circumcision is being done on a large scale in Africa.  

Aside from that I can think of some guys I know like it.  I can think of some girls that like it.  
But my vote is don't mess with nature.  

We evolved the way we are because it beats the alternatives in the long run ... OK I know there's a huge debate around this.  The list of ways we wish we could be different is humungous, and you can always make an argument in favour of intervention in specific cases.  

But making changes (e.g. removing tonsils) usually results in unexpected side-effects.  The key word there is 'unexpected' - our body is not built like a machine with each part doing one function, and parts of our bodies fulfil multiple functions we don't even know need to be done.  Even the humble appendix is getting more respect these days than it used to!  

Me, I like the covering my bro comes in, and especially like the feeling when it's pulled out of the way

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Post at 25-6-2011 01:21  Profile P.M. 
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Did not do it.....at first thought like father like son....avoid teasing in the locker room,but then realized there is always a reason to tease, if not his Johnson his ears or nose or feet etc.  Also the locker room is no longer 99% cut, now there is a percentage of uncut boys growing up.  My parents did not have a choice back then.  I also read 2 articles from the hospital, one in favor, and one against, the one against cutting pulled at me more.

Also agree with the mother nature reasoning, don't wanna mess with nature and possible reduce his future sexual experiences.  A huge part of the rest of the globe does not and they seem to be doing fine.

Finally my son was premature, he had enuff of a tuff time being born and was barely the size of my hand, I couldn't bear to put the little guy thru any more hardship, especially when it was not TRULY necessary.

[ Last edited by  mchk at 25-6-2011 01:24 ]
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Post at 30-7-2011 15:23  Profile P.M. 
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well, what about the smell

Lots of ladies complain it's really smell if not Circum, but they just don't want to say it.
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Post at 13-2-2012 23:40  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by yeeted at 30-7-2011 15:23
Lots of ladies complain it's really smell if not Circum, but they just don't want to say it.

Well I think it all has to do with personal hygiene, i'm not circumcised and I never has this problem. But I do take shower often and definitely before meeting a girl, in or out of the trade
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Post at 9-4-2012 22:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 doghead's post

im also clipped......so yeah father like son for me...
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Post at 12-3-2013 11:38  Profile P.M. 
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Sad to say, I suppose, But I got my son clipped purely out of my sense of what my "society" deemed attractive and hygenic.  Where I was raised an uncircumcised dick was deemed unattractive and dirty.  Just look at porn - few uncircumcised dicks, right?  (Especially back then)  Even though I knew, after reading modern science about it, that it was a totally unneeded operation and therefore a risk not worth taking.

A dad wants to give his son every possible advantage in life, right?  And while in 98.3% (not a verifiable statistic) of instances I teach him to look past the "popular" stance and seek the real "truth" for himself. I admit I just caved to "convention" on this one.  It seemed an easy choice to make his life slightly easier.

That was years ago.  My sense today??  There are a lot more uncircumsized dicks in porn.  The world has gotten over it.    I likely wouldnt do it today.
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Post at 14-3-2013 00:45  Profile P.M. 
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It reduce UTI significant for infant's after its cut

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