Wanxiety - wank-zy-ety (n) A social condition cause by excessive masturbation or the lack of sexual contact.
Wanxiety is commonly found in religious fundamentalists and obsessive gamers.
Symptoms of Wanxiety are Irritability, a one-upmanship desire, chaffing of the hands and genitals.
If you find yourself aroused by comic book characters or traditional anime you may suffer from wanxiety.
Sufferers of wanxiety should seek out immediate sexual assistance i.e. girlfriend, boyfriend, one-night stand or (in the most extreme case) a paid sex worker.
Wanxienty effects 1 in 10 people ages 14 - 35, in most cases the victims are male, but there have been women know to suffer this
condition as well. Wanxiety is a treatable disorder, even in the most extreme cases. ask your local pimp or escort service for more info.