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Post at 26-5-2024 07:17  Profile P.M. 
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Getting Cash in HK

Assuming you don’t have a bank card with any of the local banks, what would be the easiest/cheapest way of getting cash abroad? I’ve tried 7/11, Circle K machines but my card doesn’t seem to work on those.

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Hobbier   26-5-2024 16:42  Acceptance  +4   While some smaller local banks’ ATMs may not be compatible, debit/credit cards should work at Citi’s, HSBC’s, etc. Go ...
drjoker6969   26-5-2024 16:00  Acceptance  +1   Rent a 141 walkup room, put on a long blonde wig, wear a bra uner your dress, buy some condoms, lube & let the cash & Ru ...
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Post at 26-5-2024 09:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 a_vayes's post

Its a bit late if you're already in HK

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drjoker6969   26-5-2024 16:02  Acceptance  +1   ... Russian ladyboy reports roll in!
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Post at 27-5-2024 17:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 a_vayes's post

Ok, I feel bad for giving you a hard time, so I'll give you some real advice. I've run out of cash in HK, too. All PRC WGs accept USD & gold coins. All Russian WGs accept Euros. Before sanctions, they accepted USD, but I haven't boned a russkie in a long time. Met a PRC freelancer in braces who even accepted crypto. Boned a local for an iPhone once. She refused to BJ me but gladly accepted DATY. I don't DATY WGs but she was a civilian who needed a new iphone. Did an overnight with an 19 year old American who needed a barber chair. Just talk to the girls & barter, man. Ask them what they want & buy it with your credit card. Foreign currency & gold works with WGs but barter works with LKF civilian  girls. With civilians, you have 3 choices; 1. get it for "free" and accept drama & jealousy into your life OR invite her friend for a threesome & grease the wheels with expensive gifts so they know it's transactional & don't get attached to you. You can also get older women to pay YOU. Be advised by older i mean old enough to be your mother or grandmother. When I was a broke young man, I dated an American granny with pot belly & skin like rhinoceros. She tasted bitter (DATY & DFK) because of the chemo. She was dying of cancer. Just talk & trade, man. As a matter of fact, DHs in HK code for sex for cash is "trade". Good luck!

PS, there's an app on iphone & android that can test if gold & silver coins are real by the fequency of resonance. Use the app if they are skeptical of your coin's authenticity.

[ Last edited by  drjoker6969 at 27-5-2024 17:58 ]

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gwailoplayer   5-6-2024 18:29  Acceptance  +3   You have lived a full life
a_vayes   28-5-2024 23:42  Acceptance  +1   Thanks! I happen to have a hard-on for MILFs so this works for me
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Post at 28-5-2024 11:48  Profile P.M. 
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Some for your options:

1) Use a money transfer company to transfer money from your origin country bank to HK (example: Western Union)
2) Get a multicurrency account (such as Wise or Revolut)

These two options should be enough for your average sessions assuming your bank withdrawal limit is a few thousands (daily)

If you plan a longer stay at Hong Kong or looking to spend large amounts of money, you can open a Global Money Account at HSBC (it's available in most countries) in your home country and withdraw as much as you like when at Hong Kong.

Assuming that your card does not work in Hong Kong, (most cards are compatible), I recommend option 1 or 2. Option 2 would be optimal if you plan to visit other countries such as Thailand, Japan, etc.

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a_vayes   28-5-2024 23:37  Acceptance  +1   Thanks a bunch !

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Post at 28-5-2024 13:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 a_vayes's post

You can try LuLu Money to send funds from your US bank to Hong Kong and collect in cash. They have a stall in World Wide House. Just keep the receipts in case you have to declare it later on your taxes.

Here's the link: https://www.lulumoney.com/dev/hongkong/remittances.php

Out of curiosity, what US bank do you use? There's a Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase in Central and I'm almost certain there's a Wells Fargo branch in Wanchai. Regardless, you still should be able to withdraw from the major banks' ATMs here as long as you have international withdrawals applied to your US bank account.

Hope that helps!

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a_vayes   28-5-2024 23:39  Acceptance  +1   Thanks! I’m with TD AMCB so I don’t think those would work for me.

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